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Eridans POV:

I saw my locker door slam shut in front of me.
Thank god my fingers were out of the way.

"Sol! Wwhat the hell!?" I growled at him, only to get a mischievous smirk in return from him.

"It's Friday~" He chuckled.
I blushed, knowing exactly what he was talking about.

"So your place today?" He got closer to me.

"Y-Yeah.. My dad doesn't get home till' later in the evvenin'.. And I'm pretty sure Cro wwill be out wwith his boyfriend.." I shifted to the side and looked away from Sollux, smiling shyly.

"Perfect. I'll see you in a while." He kissed my cheek and walked passed me. I watched him walk down the hallway, hands in the pockets of his jeans.
Fuck, I'm so happy today is Friday..

After putting the rest of my books away, I looked at the small mirror hanging on my locker door.
Hmm.. My violet streak seems to be fading a bit back to blonde.. I guess I can re-dye it later this weekend or maybe leave it? Eh, who cares.

"EEEEEEERRRRRRRRRIDAN!" I was tackled to the ground, and I let out a loud groan.

"Ugh.. Nep.. You don't havve to tackle me evvery time you see me."

"Hehe, I know!" Nepeta jumped off of me and helped me up. "Anywho, what're you doing today?"

"Uh, me and Sol wwere actually goin' to-"

"EEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" She squealed with delight. I guess we were her 'OTP' whatever the bloody hell that meant. "WHAT ARE YOU TWO GOING TO DO?!?!?!?!?!?"

"Wwhoa! It's none of your business! We're just hangin' out." Pft, yeah.. 'Hanging out'.

"UGH! Why don't you two ever be all cutesy around everyone?! I still haven't witnessed you two kiss yet!!"

"Wwoww Nep. That's kinda wweird." I laughed and she looked at me with an eyebrow raised. She pouted and tried to look mad, but that blue kitty hat wasn't doing her any justice.

"Relax Nep. Look, I promise on Monday I'll kiss Sol in front of ya', okay?"

"Can I take a video?"

"No, but you can take a picture."


Just then, she was picked up and sat on her step brother's shoulder.
"Stop fooling around Nepeta, we have to get home. A new episode of My Little Pony airs today. I do not want to miss it."

"Oh fine! Jeez Equius, it's recording too I hope you know!"

"I know, but I must watch it while it first shows. I like being on Tumblr to blog about it with my fellow Bronies."

"You havve a Tumblr Eq?" I questioned with shock.

"Of course. My name is True-STRONG-Princess-Of-Equestria-100."


"Strider helped me pick the name." He smiled.

Nepeta burst out in a fit of laughter. "Haha! Oh my god! I must high five him later on!"

"WWell, best you twwo be on your
wway home. Bye!"

Nepeta and Equius waved to me as I walked down the opposite direction to the room that they hold Detention in.
I walked inside and sat down at an empty desk.

Stupid fuckin' teacher just HAD to take my phone away when he caught me on it, and I was stupid enough to talk back. Ugh.. Stupid detention. I just want to hurry home so I can have fun with Sol..

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