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Sollux's POV:

"Who the hell is he talking to?" I whispered to Eridan. He only shrugged.
Karkat was blabbering his mouth on the phone with someone. Cursing, apologizing, yelling, apologizing again for yelling, cursing, and so on.

After a while, he finally hung up.
"Wwho wwere you talkin' to?" Eridan tilted his head, scooting closer to me

"Terezi.." He groaned. "She's going on and on about how some chick kept trying to flirt with her; but I honestly don't give as shit as long as she isn't doing anything sneaky."

"So yelling and cursing at your girlfriend was necessary?" Dave sat down beside us on the couch, opening a can of Coke.

"Hey! I said my apologies! And she was raising her voice too! Do you know how bad she sounds on the phone?! Like she swallows old, rusty nails.. Ugh.." He sat down beside Dave.

"So..." I started, "What now?"

"Well.." Karkat sat straighter, "Considering she's coming back soon, we should fuck ourselves up."

"Meanin'?" Eridan raised his eyebrow.

"Drinking to our fucking hearts content." Karkat jumped up. "Let's go-"

"Go?? WWe can't GO anywwhere!" Eridan reminded him. "Too risky right noww.."

"Fine. I'll go bring the drinks to us-"

"And how do you expect to do that?" Dave stood beside him, crossing his arms. "You aren't exactly of age to buy alcohol."

"....I hate it when you're right." Karkat huffed.

"Luckily, I have a fake ID. I'll get the booze." Dave smirked, pulling out his wallet and pulling out the fake identification.
Karkat snatched the card and inspected it, giggling. "Your fake name is Simon Dryhump!?"

All of us started laughing our asses off. I fell to the floor, laughing.

Dave snatched the card back, "Yeah Yeah, make fun of it all you want but Mr.Dryhump here is going to get you all drinks from the store. You should be fucking grateful and bow to me like I'm a god. I'm your savior and provider. Call me the provider of the booze. I reward all of my faithful followers with alcohol to drink themselves to idiots. Giving them a hangover they will regret-"

"Whatever, just go get the stuff you dickseed." Karkat pushed him towards the door. Dave just shrugged and left, shutting the door behind him.

"Dickseed?" I laughed.
"WWhat a great insult, Kar. Gettin' more and more creativve."

"Shut up, shitsack." He grumbled before walking upstairs.

I laughed and stood, walking over to the tv. "I wonder what's been on.. I haven't watched tv in a long tim-"

"Uh, Sol!" Eridan called out from the couch. "Instead of that.. Maybe wwe should go back to our room for a wwhile.."

"Aw, but I wanna watch tv!" I whined, turning on the flatscreen.

"But Sol, I don't think that's a good idea!" He stood and rushed to my side, turning the tv back off.

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