416 19 17

Be Eridan:

Sollux wasn't coming back anytime soon. He was still somewhere out of my sight because I could hear him... doing things... 

I sighed and slumped in my seat, staring at the dash of the car.

"Fuck, I'm thirsty.." I mumbled then reached around in my pocket, checking if I had any coins or dollars. Sure enough, I had three dollars on me. Just enough to get a drink.  I got out of the car and walked towards the station, then from my side view, I saw a flash of blue and red. I looked up and I saw some cop cars approaching. In front of the cars was a man running as fast as he could, carrying a bag. He ran towards the gas station and a cop jumped out of the car and tackled him. I froze, unable to move. 

I reached for the door to the station after getting a hold of myself, but stopped again. 

What am I doing? I'm not happy like this anymore... Maybe if I just went with them, my whole life could turn around. 

I glanced at the cops again, seeing them arrest the random guy. 

I could go... Sollux obviously doesn't care about me anymore... 

I let go of the door to the gas station and took a step forward, only to have a hand put over my mouth and pulled backward. 
I screamed into the hand muffling me and saw Sollux push me against the wall of the station. He peeked out from the corner, waiting for the cops to drive away. 

I was breathing heavily into his hand and in tears.

Fuck, I'm so screwed now... 

He uncovered my mouth once the cops were gone, "What the hell were you doing out there? I thought you were in the car?" 

"I-I wwas!" Fuck, think of something! "But I uh, I wwas thirsty and wwent to buy a drink. WWhen the cops came, I wwas going to go back to the car, hopefully wwithout them noticing me, but you pulled me awway..." 

"Good thing I did. If they figured out who you were, we'd be screwed." 

"Yeah..." I looked away, and saw...a disturbing white substance all over the wall beside me. I looked in the opposite direction and mumbled, "Can you let me go noww...?" 

"Huh? Oh, yeah..." He let me go. I just left without another word and sat back in the car. I put my hands over my face and started sobbing. 

Be Sollux: 

I lit another cigarette and looked at the car. I saw Eridan sobbing in the seat. He's probably still upset about earlier... 

I sighed and leaned against the wall, looking up at the sky. I saw clouds begin to form. It was probably going to rain soon. 

I dropped the cigarette and put it out with my foot. I took some money out of my pocket and went back into the station. I was going to use it to buy another pack, but I think Eridan is still thirsty. Plus, crying is just going to make him dehydrated. 

I went back to the car after buying a few things for Eridan. I got into the driver's seat and handed Eridan the bag. His eyes were puffy and he slowly took the bag, "Wwhat is this?" 

"You like Arizona Tea, don't you?" I started the car, "I got you that and some candy. You like the watermelon rings too, right?" 

I glanced at Eridan as he took them both out of the bag. I saw him smile a little, and he mumbled thank you. I drove and he enjoyed his treat in silence. 
I had no clue where we were driving to anymore. I just drove. 

Eridan fell asleep in his seat after an hour or two. He finally looked calm for once. 

I heard a ding from my phone and I pulled over to answer it. 

: Aw, you just left me hanging :( 

: Sorry, I got caught up in something. 

: It's fine. Sooooo Where are you? Can I come pay you a visit?

: I'm doing a long drive right now. 

: Oh boo. Can't you turn on the GPS on your phone so I can see where you are? 

: Okay, just a sec. 

I turned on the GPS 

: There. 

: Oh! I know exactly where you are! In a few miles, you should be reaching a nice little Inn. Stay there and I'll meet you there tomorrow around 6 pm? 

: Uh, maybe not right at the Inn.... 

I paused and looked at the map. I saw that there was another bank near the motel. Me and Eridan could stalk up on some more money before hitting the road again. I can tell Eridan to go to the bank while I'm with Jake, then meet Eridan there to get some cash.... 

: You know what? Yeah, meet me at the Inn. I'll text you whatever room number we get. 

: Awesome! Can't wait ;)

I kept driving until I got to the Inn Jake was talking about. Instead of actually renting a room, I watched the janitor walk into an open room to clean. I got out of the car with a knife in my hand and crept up on the janitor. 

"Wow, I'm surprised the blood from dragging him out was easy to clean..." I mumbled to myself as I pushed away from the cleaning cart. I looked over at the dumpster where I threw the body then went to the car. I picked up Eridan and carried him into the room, laying him down on the bed. 

I shut the door and laid down beside him, staring at the ceiling. 
I guess I should probably make some better ski masks for tomorrow. 

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