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Be Eridan: 

"WWhere the hell is he?" I peeked out the window. It was nearly 9 p.m. and he left in the morning. I'm pretty positive buying clothing doesn't take more than two or three hours! 

Oh no... What if he was caught???? What if people found out he was in disguise, and now he's down at a police station. Well, if they did, wouldn't he say where I am? It's not like I can survive here on my own. Sollux has the car and money. 

No, I can't doubt him.  Sollux will come back. I'm sure he has a good reason for being so late. Maybe there's traffic wherever he is, or maybe he had car trouble, or maybe he's busy doing something sweet for me! It's good if I keep that in my mind instead of my mind wandering off into horrible thoughts. 

And as if on cue, the lights from the car shined onto the window. I grinned and ran to the door, opening it. 

Sollux smiled when he saw me, "Hey babe." 

"Hey- Wwait, wwhere are the clothes?" I noticed he wasn't carrying any bags. "I thought you left to go buy clothes for us." 

"...Oh shit!! I must've left them behind when I was eating! Shit, I'm so sorry E.D. I'll go back tomorrow to get them. I didn't get much anyways..."

"If you didn't get much, wwhy are you so late?" 

"Oh." He pulled me outside and to the car. There was a long white mark on the side of the car. 

"Some fuckin' asshole keyed the car and I had to beat the shit out of them. They broke into it too so I ran after them to get the money they took. As payback, I did some things to their car. Sorry for taking so long. Here!" He opened the car and grabbed a bag, "On the way home I bought you some food." 

"Oh, thank you!" I smiled and kissed his cheek, pulling him back into the motel room. I guess I have no reason to worry then. He explained what happened. Although it doesn't make much sense about how long that all takes, he must have driven off somewhere really far too. I shouldn't worry.

"Come on, let's cuddle." Sollux took off his shirt and I noticed a bruise on his side. 

"Sol! Where'd you get that?" I pointed at it. 

"Get what??" He walked to the mirror in the bathroom. I followed as he examined it. "Huh... I must have gotten it when the guy punched me... Don't worry, it's just a bruise. It'll go away." He walked back out and laid down, holding his arms out for me. 

I smiled and quickly took the place in his arms. He wrapped his arms around me, and I closed my eyes. This is exactly what I love so much, being in his arms... 

It feels like... Like I'm at home

Be Sollux, a few hours before:

"So for fun, you brought me here?" I laughed.

"What?! Come on, everyone likes carnivals!" Jake gasped, "Don't tell me you've never been to one before! Or worse, don't tell me you don't like them!" 

"It's just, I haven't been to one ever since I was little..." I remember I went to one with my brother, Mituna, and my dad. We had to leave early because Mituna threw up on a roller coaster. he had too much food beforehand. 

"Hey, are you okay, Seth?" Jake waved his hand in front of my face, "You're zoning out!" 

"Huh? Oh yeah, sorry. I was just thinking about the last time I went to one. It was a long time ago." I looked down.
I felt Jake grab my hand and he pulled me towards a ticket stand, "Don't worry, we're gonna have tons of fun!" He smiled, showing all of his teeth. 

I couldn't help but stare at how happy he looked. He was so happy that he was just at a carnival, and with me. This day is turning out better than I thought. He has such a carefree attitude about being here. He bought tickets, refusing to let me pay for my own, and gave me a wristband for the roller coasters that they had. We first went on every roller coaster that there was, then we started to play the games that they had. There was a stupid one where you had to throw three baseballs to knock down some clowns, and I couldn't hit a single one. I really wanted to win because there was a giant bee plus to win. It was almost as big as me! I wanted it so badly. 

I walked back to Jake, who was buying us some drinks. He noticed how heartbroken I looked. "What's wrong, Seth? You didn't win anything?" 

"That game is fucking rigged! I hit a clown thing, but it didn't even fall down! I swear festivals and carnivals do that to their games just so they can profit off of us who pay for it over and over again to get like a five dollar stuffed animal." 

"Did you pay over and over?" 

"....Maybe." I blushed and crossed my arms, looking away.

"Hold this," He gave me his soda, "I'll win for ya. Let me guess, you want that giant bee, huh?" 

"How did you-"

"Your wallet was striped black and yellow when you offered to pay for your own game tickets and the ride wristband."

"Oh, well, yeah. I want that fucking bee." 

"One bee coming right up." He handed the game ref his game ticket and he was given three baseballs. One by one, he threw them and knocked down all three clowns. My jaw dropped and the ref handed him the bee. Jake turned and smiled at me, "Keep your mouth open for too long, and flies will fly in." He grinned. 

I shut my mouth and handed him his soda, taking the bee from him. It was so soft. "Thank you..." 

"Come on! There's still other games we have to play!" He pulled me along. By 6:30, we left the carnival with a bunch of prizes in our arms. We stuffed them into his trunk 

"Jeez, you're gonna have to take some of these with you when we get back to my place. You can stuff them into your car." 
"Yeah." I grinned and got into the passenger side. On the way to his place, we laughed and told jokes the whole ride there. I've never felt this happy before. 

We got out of the car, and he helped me put some of the stuffed animals into my car. We did our best to stuff them all into the trunk. He accidentally tripped over the sidewalk and I caught him. We started laughing and I joked at how clumsy he was. He opened the door to his place and we walked in. When we walked in, I felt him touch my ass. 

I blushed darkly and looked at him. We just stared at each other for a while before he kissed me. I couldn't help myself, and I kissed back. He made me feel amazing. He pulled away after a second and pulled me to his room. He pushed me to his bed, but my backside hit the frame. 


"Oh gosh, are you alright?'

I couldn't help but laugh, "I'm fine! Great actually..." I smiled up at him and pulled him down by his shirt. It felt like I couldn't do anything but giggle at how clumsy we were at that moment. 

I've seriously never felt this happy before in my entire life...  

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