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Eridan's POV:

"Sol.. I don't think this is a good idea.. WWhat if I mess up somehoww?"

"You won't." He put his hand to my cheek, kissing my forehead.
My hands shook as we waited outside of the bank.

We had traveled a few towns away from Karkat's residence. When he came up with the idea of robbing a bank, he was completely set on it. He said the next big bank we find will be the one we rob. I'm nervous.

"Oh stop worrying. Everything is going to be just fine.. And if something ever happens, I'll take the blame and say I dragged you into it. Okay?"

"I..." I took a long sigh and nodded, "Okay.. But.. WWe're not.. Going to hurt anybody, right?"

"We'll only hurt someone if our lives are in danger. Like if someone were to hold a gun to my head, you'd save me by hurting them; wouldn't you?"

"Of course! I just meant wwhen wwe're robbin'... I don't wwant to hurt anyone.."

"Aw, you're so cute when you act all innocent." He smiled and kissed my forehead again. "Besides, we aren't going in during the day.. We're breaking in at night. We'll only do it during the day if we absolutely need to."

"Oh!" I smiled, "WWell, I guess that's okay then.." I looked out my window, seeing camera's all around. "I think wwe may havve a problem though.."


"The cameras." I started counting, "There are three out here, probably more around the building, and definitely some inside.." I looked to him.
He bit his lip, in thought. "We can make masks out of our clothes.. And maybe we can disable them somehow or cover them up.."

"Covver them up? Howw?"

Sollux began to chuckle, "I can get up there on the roof and lean down to cover them with something. I actually used to parkour. It won't be that hard.."

"Really?! You used to parkour?!"
This is definitely some new information. I never knew he could do that!

"Yup." He grinned. "And I was good at it too. Damn ED, you should've seen all the crazy shit I did. It was amazing! One of the best times of my life!" His face lit up with joy of the fond memories.

"WWhat made you stop?" I tilted my head.

"I-" His smile faded. He looked down sadly at his lap. "Um.. Just.. Reathonth.."

"Oh, I made you upset; didn't I? I'm sorry.."

"N-No! It'th not you! Um.. Jutht.. Thome people I uthed to hang out with.. Um.. They thtopped, tho I did too.. It'th fine.."

"Oh.." I frowned and scooted to hug him. My arms wrapped around him tightly, and I nuzzled my face into his neck.
His arms held me close, and he sighed. I felt his breath on the back of my neck. It gave me chills; then his hands worked his way down to my ass. He gave it a squeeze.

"What? I just wanted some of the booty." He laughed, squeezing it again.

"Stop that!" I giggled, pushing his arms away.
"Stop what?" He grinned, and started to tickle me.

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