17 (#TW)

403 22 24

Be Eridan:

We drove for a while but ended up parking at a truck stop. We fell asleep in the car, but it was hard for me to sleep because I kept hearing an odd beeping noise. It sounded like a phone, but that couldn't be it. Neither I or Sol have phones anymore. it must have been my imagination.

In the morning, Sollux wasn't in the car. I sat up and got out of the car, gazing around for him. "Sol???" I called out. I groaned and went back into the car. I saw he left a little note on the back of a receipt.

I'll be back soon.
Went to get food.

"If he's getting food, wwhy didn't he just drive us somewwhere?" I mumbled. I groaned and sat back in the seat. It's so boring with nothing to do. Why does it seem like he's always gone?
To pass time, I opened the trunk and got out to see if we had anything entertaining there.

"Wwhat the fuck?!" I stepped back when I saw a bunch of stuffed animals.
"Wwhere did all of these come from?"
I searched through the toys and I saw those strips of photos that come from photo booths. I saw a picture of Sollux with another guy. It was decorated with cartoon hearts and there was a caption that said Jake next to the picture of the guy and Seth beside Sollux's picture. 

It's recent. Sollux has his new look.

I looked at the last picture of the guy kissing Sollux's cheek. I felt my eye twitch. I stuffed the photo into my pocket and slammed the trunk shut. I went back to the passenger side and sat down, waiting for Sollux's return.

An hour later, Sollux came walking back with a bag. He got into the drivers side and looked at me, "Sorry. I should've woken you up before I left."
"No no, it's okay. I'm just confused wwhy you didn't drivve."
"I didn't want to wake you up."
"I wwouldn't havve. And if I did, I wwould'vve gone back to sleep."

He gave me the bag and started to drive again. I ate what he brought and stared out the window as he drove.
I want to ask about the trunk and picture, but I'm afraid. 

What is he doing with a complete stranger? Especially at a time right now? When did he even meet someone else? Is that why he was always gone? 

"Sol, can I ask you somethin?" 

"Sure, what is it?" 

"Uh, wwhats up wwith all of those stuffed aninals in the trunk?" 

"Oh, shit. I didn't think you would see those. They're supposed to be a surprise for you." 

"A surprise? For me? Why?" 

"Cause I love you." He smiled at me. 

He's lying... 

"But wwhy so many? And I knoww that the giant bee can't be for me. You lovve bees too much to let one like that go." 
"Well, that one is mine. All of the others are for you." 

"Mhm..." I looked out the window for a while longer, debating with myself if I should ask who Jake is or not. The feeling of not knowing what he was doing with him was clawing at me from the inside. I wanted to know so badly, but I don't want him to hurt me for asking. 

What if he tells me and it's something I don't like? 

"Sol, if I asked you something really important, wwould you tell me the truth?" 
"...Of course I will. Why are you acting so strange?"

"I'm not." 

"Yes you are. Now, what is it you want to ask me?" 

"WWho's Jake?" 

Right at that moment, he pressed down on the brakes and the car came to a hard stop. 

"What are you talking about?"

"I think you knoww wwhat I'm talkin' about." I gritted my teeth and pulled the picture out of my pocket, showing it to him, "WWho the hell is this, Sollux?!"

"Eridan, calm the fuck down. He's just a friend."

"A friend, huh? So wwhy is he kissin' your cheek and wwhy are there a bunch of fuckin hearts all over this fucking picture?!"

"ED, give it to me-"

"Is he wwhere you'vve been going to for the past feww days?"



"Is that wwhy you alwways come back late? Is that wwhere you went this morning?"

"Eridan, be quiet-"

"Havve... Havve you been cheatin' on me?" 

"SHUT UP!" He took the picture and slapped me. I froze and put a hand to my cheek. I didn't look at him, and just stared at my lap, "Not another fucking word about thith." 

He started driving again, and I sat in silence. 

We drove for hours, but we had to stop after a while to get gas. He got out of the car and went into the station himself. I looked to the drivers seat and saw a light flash from the door's side compartment. I reached over and pulled out a phone. 

"Wwhat the hell?" 

I looked at the screen and saw that the phone recieved a message from Jake. I shakily unlocked the phone and read the message. 

: Hey, Seth. I know you said not to bug you for a while, but I reeeeeeally need you right now~ <3

I scrolled back to their previous conversations and saw everything Sollux and this guy have been saying to each other. My eyes teared up and began to sting when I saw.... 'pictures'. I shut the phone off and placed it back where it was before Sollux could catch me. I saw him walking back out of the store and he went to the car. He put the gas in and opened the car door. He started going through the car door. 

"W-WWhat are you lookin' for..." 

"...Cigarettes..." He mumbled. I saw him grab a pack, which I had no clue about, and hid the phone behind it. He shut the door and walked to the side of the station.

 I saw him light one and smoke for a while. That's when he took out his phone. I saw the light flash onto his face and he just stood there. He started to type, then he walked out of my view. 

I knew what he was doing... 

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