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AN: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY MY PEEPS! Here's a little update!

Be the boy ready for his date with Sollux:

I got out of the bathroom after filling up and saw Sollux laying back on the bed. He stood up when he saw me.
"Whoa, ED. You look hot."

I giggled, "Thanks, as do you as always. So, wwhere are wwe going?"
"That's a secret. Come on. I already packed our things in the car." He grabbed my hand and pulled me out. We both got into the car and started driving.

I noticed a weird smell, "Hey Sol, what's that smell?"
"Uh, air freshener! Yeah. I uh, spill some stuff in here a couple of days ago so I sprayed a bunch of air freshener. How does it smell?"
"Fine, I guess. I dunno. The car just smells odd to me."
"Might also be because you haven't been in here in a long time."
"I guess that's true." I shrugged.

"Don't worry, baby. You won't worry about a car smell once we go where we're going."
"Is it somewwhere public? That'll be risky."
"Nope, not public." He smiled, "First we have to stop to get food. Whatever kind you like!"

"Alright. I'vve had a cravving for sushi for a wwhile. Can wwe get that somewhere?"
"Sure, but it might be the store brand kind if sushi from the usual place is expensive."
"I'm okay wwith that." I smiled and looked out the window. 

We drove to a market and I waited in the car while Sollux went inside to get food. He put it in the backseat and we were off again. Pretty soon, he drove off the freeway and down a lonely road towards a big bundle of trees. It looked like a forest, but a lot more happy I suppose?

He turned into a dirt road leading directly to the trees. We drove for a good fifteen minutes before he parked the car.
"Come on." He smiled and got out, grabbing the food. He also grabbed a blanket that he stole from the motel room. We shut the doors and walked up a hill until we were at the top.
The view was incredible! I could see city lights from miles around and it was breathtaking. The stars were shining brightly and the moon was full.

"Oh my god, it's beautiful!" I grinned and saw him setting down the blanket, "Howw do you knoww about this place?"
"I came here once." He smiled and patted beside him. I immediately sat down and he pulled me onto his lap, "You are absolutely adorable, ED. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect boyfriend." He kissed my cheek.

I couldn't help but smile from his kind words. He was absolutely amazing. He's the most perfect guy ever. Well, I can't say he's ONLY perfect. He has a few problems and flaws here and there, but I love him no matter what.
"Thank you, the same goes for you too, handsome." I pecked his lips and crawled off of his lap, "Now let's eat. Maybe when we're done we can make out." I winked at him.

We ate our meals and drinks. As soon as we both were finished, I crawled right back onto his lap and kissed him. His hands were at my waist and occasionally went to grab my ass. I gasped and laid back on the blanket, and he got on top of me, kissing my neck. I stared at the stars and finally felt happy. It's always been a fantasy to be close like this under thousands of stars and the moon. It's so romantic.

"I don't wwant this to evver end..." I whispered into his ear.

He pulled away and cupped my face, smiling, "Me either. You make me so happy, Eri. Once all this stuff about us dies down, we can settle down somewhere and actually be a family. Maybe we'll even get a puppy or a kitten like we always talked about."

I grinned and kissed him again, then pulled away, "Let's go to the backseat~"

"No, that's okay. There's no one here so why not on the blanket?" He suggested as his hands started moving down my body. I bit my lip and quivered when his hand stopped at my crotch.

"W-Wait.." I moved his hand and quickly sat up.
"What's wrong?"
"Can wwe..." I blushed, "Maybe not go all the wway right now? I'm still a bit sore from this morning."
"Yeah, of course." He pecked my lips.

I can't believe I just lied to him...

Be Sollux:

I had to make sure to turn off the phone during our date. When we were on the road, I could feel my phone vibrating nonstop. When we began to put everything away, I looked at my phone when I was at the trunk and Eri was in the car.

: Seth?
: you there baby?
: I need you right now
: videos aren't really helping, I need your voice right now
: hellooooo?
: are you getting my texts?
: are you busy?
: damn it
: I guess I'll just reply later
: okay, it's been a few hours, what are you doing???
: Answer meeeeeee
: Seth!!

: sorry babe, I got caught up in something.

:oh there you are! What were you doing?

: important stuff

: well if you're not too busy, I could use your voice right now. I tried to do 'things' earlier but i couldn't.

: I can't right now. Maybe later

I  put my phone back into my pocket and closed the trunk of the car. I got into the drivers side and started the car. Eridan looked to me and smiled the cutest smile ever. 

"Wwhere to noww?"
"Somewhere far from here." 

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