I Just Do [Chapter 4]

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Cayden's Point of View

I'm on my way to pick up Sadie. I'm really nervous. Though if Sadie knew this she'd probably laugh. She's so self-confident and beautiful. She has absolutely no reason to be nervous. I'm surprised she said yes to me. Gosh, i even sweated through 3 shirts. I need a stronger deodorant.

Sadie's Point of View

I decided to get ready an hour early for my date with Cayden. Honestly, I'm a little nervous. After all this is my first date since Jared.I looked through my closet a total of three times and chose a blue sun dress with flowers on it, black ballet flats, a bulky ring, and my hair was straight and slightly messy with a bow to finish it off. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was 6:55. Cayden would be here in 5 minutes. I took one last look in my body length mirror. I sighed, this was as good as it was going to get. I applied my handy dandy chapstick, placing it inside my purse afterwards. I sat down on my couch trying to act casual. All of a sudden i was having a flash back of my first date with Jared.

He had rung the doorbell, and me being the over-happy-16-year-old-who-just-got-asked-out-on-her-first-date-by-the-hottest-guy-in-school made my mom answer the door while I pretended to still be getting ready upstairs. My mom had called for me and i walked down the stairs all movie star like. Jared said I looked beautiful which caused me to blush. He took my elbow and led me to his car all the while promising my mom that he would have me home at a reasonable hour. I thought he was perfect, but little did i know-

"DONG-DONG!" I jumped off the couch. my doorbell scaring the crap out of me.

My daydream had caught me off guard. I opened the door and Cayden looked good! His long hair was straight(as usual) he wore a plaid shirt and skinny jeans.

"Hi" I greeted him.

"Hey, Sadie. You look beautiful, really you do"Said Cayden.

"Um thank-you." i replied, I wish i would stop thinking about when Jared called me beautiful. Cayden is not Jared and he sounded sincere. "And so did Jared" my conscious chided me. Sadie, pull it together, you can do this, just have fun and forget about him.

"Earth to Sadie, Anyone home?"

"oh yeah totally. Just let me grab my keys and we can go."

"Nice ride" I stated as he started his car.

"thank-you" he replied kindly.

The car ride was silent until he pulled into a movie theater parking lot.

"So I figured we could go see a movie and then get dinner" He suggested

"Yeah no prob."

"So....what movie do you want to see?"

"How about Seventeen Again?" I offered.

"Sure,sure". he muttered

"What?" I asked

"Well that seems kind of lame. I mean a guy going back to being 17. Talk about a Freaky Friday spin off."

"Its definitely not lame. If you object to seeing it so much you can just drive me home. Or better yet I'll walk home." I turned on my heel and started to walk towards the sidewalk at a brisk pace.

"Hey, hey, hey." He said catching me lightly by the wrist causing me to jerk his hand away. "Hey I am really sorry. I didn't come here to argue. I came here to see a movie albeit one that I'm not so fond of, but if you want to see it I'm game. Plus i wouldn't want someone like you walking at night alone." He practically pleaded with me.

"Ok fine. I accept your apology. Lets just go see the movie. Oh, and i can take care of myself. I don't need you to worry about me walking at night alone." I spat.

"ok fine. lets just go see the movie before it starts. I'll pay."

"uh. no you won't. I'll pay for my own ticket. I do have a job and I'm capable of paying for my own ticket." I stated defiantly. In all actuality i was running low on cash. I had about $50 to last me 2 weeks.

"Sadie, Please. Just let me pay for this. That's how dates go. the guy treats the girl and then they go in, sit down, and enjoy a good movie." He argued.

"Cayden, Please." I mocked him. " I am not that type of girl I like to do things for myself. I don't need a guy to pay for me! Hence why I, Sadie Jones,have a job!"

"Sadie Jones you infuriate me" Cayden muttered

"Well fine then!" I shouted. "I'll just walk home and go watch 80's movies with Mr. Fluff Fluff like I normally do on Friday nights. Sadie out!" I stormed away from him for the second time that night.

"Sadie!" i heard him call. "Fine you can pay. I didn't come here to argue with you. you can pay for the ticket." He finished.

I walked back over to him, not stopping as I walked past him.

"Are you coming?"I asked "We're going to be late."

"Sadie Jones."Cayden muttered "You'll be the death of me."

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