I Just Do [Chapter 6]

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The first line is a lyric, but i forgot how to do that italic thing

sorry if this one is bad (you could always tell me other wise haha)

rate and comment anyway, please


i love you guys


I can't believe I never noticed my heart before

You know how I said that I liked doing inventory and stacking the shelves? Well,I really do like doing that just not when I'm half asleep and keep missing the shelf. I stayed up for a majority of the night thinking about a certain boy whose name begins with a C and ends in a N. Another increasingly agitating thing is my boss who keeps lurking behind me. I don't know what her deal is, but its needs to stop before I scream.

I placed the last book of the cart on the shelf and pushed the cart back into the stock room.

"Sadie!" my boss yelled.

"Yes." I answered.

"Get back to the register we have customers!"

"I'm coming." I muttered.

I walked back out to the register. Grabbing my smock on the way out, stopping abruptly due to the figure that has filled my sight. I never realized how hard and fast a heart could pound until this very minute. It never used to be like that. Even with Jared. And that's saying a lot. I'm guessing that I stood there too long staring because he walked out-the entrance door bells jingling- with out a second glance back.

I lightly jogged over to the register. My heart felt like it was crashing until I saw the rose and note card attached. It was a yellow rose. My favorite. The card read:

Careful when you open

It's easy to be broken

In the strangest fashion

You start a chain reaction

When you look my way

Something's pounding away

And I wonder if I ever

felt this before

'I'll be at your place at 7pm.

I'll provide the movie and the snacks.

You have to let me in eventually, Sadie

Sincerely and Always, Cayden:)

Wowza, this boy is really out doing himself. Honestly though I found the card adorable. Going against all my better judgements, I'll probably let him in tonight. Maybe not into my personal life, but into my apartment. This means more than he knows or ever will know.

"Ding-dong" my doorbell sounded. Right on time.I glanced over at my clock 7 on the dot. This boy was aware of time. Again a first. Unlike Jared Jerkface.

I walked over and opened the door letting Cayden in. He stood there with a movie in his mouth, a bottle of soda tucked under one arm, and a box of pizza balanced on his one free hand. It was simply adorable. His eyes were wide when he looked at me. I quickly relieved him of the movie so he could talk.

"Heya, Sadie. How goes it?" He asked

"Hi." I said through muffled laughter. "It goes well and what about you?"

"Well, the birds are chirping, The sun is shining, I made it up the stairs without dropping anything, and I get to see my favorite girl in the whole world." He replied happily.

"You are such a loser my friend." I said while laughing.

"But I'm you're favorrrriitttee loser!" He said grinning cheekily.

"What ever." I said walking away to my kitchen to put the pizza on the counter.

"Nice place you got here"

"Thanks. It takes just about all of my paycheck to pay for it."

"Well, I like it. especially the couch" Cayden said while plopping down on it. "Get me some food,woman!" He shouted.

My face immediately fell. That wasn't funny. I spent one too many years being talked to like that. I guess he could tell that it upset me because he got that same concerned look on his face.

"Sadie, I'm sorry. I didn't know you would get offended. I-"

"Save it Cayden. I will not be talked to like that. I am more than a woman and I am more than a slave." I said and ran out of the room.

Jared would add "woman" to the end of his sentences to make them seem more demanding. It worked for him though. Mostly because he towered over my 5'4'' frame with him being 6'3''. I bent over the bathroom sink and splashed water on my face. It would mess up my make up but oh well. If Cayden couldn't handle me with out make up then he wasn't worth my time. I heard a soft tapping on the door. I had locked it. He wasn't getting in so easily.

"Sadie" I heard.Muffled of course due to the door. "I'm sorry. really I am. I just want to know if you're ok.The face you made really broke my heart." He finished.

"Well, maybe you should have thought of that before you said 'woman'. Maybe you should go."

"Maybe. But I'm staying right here.Even if it takes all night."

I didn't answer. I was shocked,but then again I shouldn't be because it was Cayden we're talking about. the most stubborn boy on the planet.

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