I Just Do [Chapter 9]

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they make me smile

and whats better than serving up smiles?

i love youhz




Cayden and I have spent the whole day lying on the floor surrounded by pillows and watching tv. I can honestly say that this is the best day of my life. We ordered pizza and I even let him pay. That took both of us by surprise. All this time though I've secretly been working up the nerve to tell him about my past. I think its time.

"Cayden" I said while lazily drawing circles on his stomach.

"Yes" he answered.

"I'm ready."

"For...oh snap! ok I'm all ears." I laughed at the way he said this and suddenly repositioned himself to sit up straighter. I sighed and also repositioned myself so that i was sitting next to him cross-legged and playing with his fingers. And so I began.

"I used to live in Portland,Oregon. I really liked it there. I didn't have a lot of friends but the ones I did have were dependable. I guess you could say that we were tight like spandex. In my sophomore year Jared Carrington took an interest in me and I in him. We were complete opposites in every way imaginable, but we made it work.When we met he was the sweet popular guy and i was the outspoken indie chick. We started dating shortly after we met.Everything was perfect. And I mean like fairytale perfect. Until the first time that he got mad. The first time that he hit me." I stopped, gulped and shot a wary look at Cayden. His jaw muscles were tightening. I continued. "I knew what he was doing was wrong. My friends tried to get me to break up with him, but he said that they were just jealous and I believed him. So the beatings continued and my friends left me. Jared said it was for the best. I also had wonderful times with him. You know the ones where he was sweet and kind and fun. Running through the park, movie marathons, his shout out to me at our Junior Prom. At the end of our junior year he lost his first football game. That same night his dad screamed at him and afterward he came to my house in hysterics. I tried to comfort him but he said I was worthless and broke my wrist. He made up for it though. He catered to my every need until i was perfectly healed. As soon as i was healed, he went back to taking out his anger on me. All the way until our senior graduation party. It was then that he said 'You're the weakest person I ever met. I'm done with you, Baby Girl'. Since then I've never depended on another man. I've never let my guard down. And I don't let anyone in. I'm strong."

There was silence. Oh so much silence. I dropped Cayden's hand and walked away to my bedroom where I sat on my bed and began to sob. Gut wrenching sobs that didn't even sound like me anymore. I just told him what he wanted to know for so long and he doesn't say anything at all. I stand up suddenly and run for the bathroom, puking out all of the contents in my stomach. I felt my hair being pulled back and a cold compress on my forehead. I pushed him away, rinsed my mouth, and walked back to my bedroom. I laid down, face down in the pillows with silent tears streaming down my face. There was a pressure on the other side and then hands on my side flipping me over. Cayden laid down on the other half of the bed and wrapped me in his arms.

"Sadie, I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner. Your story it just shocked me. I wasn't expecting that. Maybe your parents fighting, but not you being abused. Not you being the strong Sadie that I know now. It makes me want to beat the crap out of that bag of slime. You're not worthless, Love. you're priceless. I will never let anything like that ever happen to you again. I promise.

Cayden's Point of View

She stared up at me, eyes wide. Slightly shaking from crying so hard. She slowly, almost too slowly, reached her hand up to touch the side of my face and said "promise?"

"Yes, Sadie. I do, With all my heart."

"ok, I believe you. But if you're lieing right now you are in big trouble, Mister."

"Theres no need for me to be in big trouble. I'm telling the honest truth. I'd never lie to you."

"okay." she sighed. her voice thick with sleep.

I close my eyes and think how this feels amazing. The girl of my dreams asleep in my arms. Perfection in human form. I can't believe Jared Carrington could do that to her. It makes me sick. But I put all thoughts of him aside to be here in this moment.

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