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(Jai's P.O.V.)

I heard footsteps leading up to the attic. I didn't move a muscle, and I barely breathed. I waited for the familiar sound of the attic's door to creak open, and once it did, I knew that they had grown closer to finding my hiding spot.

"Jai? Come out come out wherever you are." I heard my Uncle's voice tease.

"He's probably not in here Uncle T. No one's been up here in years so, I doubt he decided to just come up and hide in here now." Beau said, and you know what? I've always thought that Beau didn't really know me as well as he thought he did. This just proves my point.

"Why doubt so soon? We've hardly looked around." Uncle Theo said as he began to look for me.

With a frustrated sigh, Beau began to search for me as well. I know he doesn't like this game, but it's something I've been wanting to test for a long time.

"Check inside the toy box. He could've squeezed himself in there." Uncle Theo declared as he rummaged through old scarves and hats.

It was fun for me to watch them look around because, I could see them all very clearly, and yet they had no idea if I was even here. My mother was moving boxes and opening old suitcases, while Beau was looking under tables and behind old furniture. Luke had managed to become distracted, and he was now messing with old action figures he had found in the toy box. My uncle had scarf after scarf wrapped around his neck, and I've never seen so many hats piled onto one head. I couldn't help but giggle, and I immediately covered my mouth to silence the sound.

"Shh! Did you hear that?" My uncle questioned as he froze in his place.

"Ugh this is pointless! He's not in here Uncle T. Can we go check somewhere else?" Beau asked impatiently.

He's about to fail the test.

"Keep looking Beau." Luke stated as he continued to look through the toy box.

"This is ridiculous. I'm gonna go downstairs and watch t.v. or something." Beau claimed as he walked out the door.

He's failed the test.

"You know what? Beau's right. Jai is being silly, and if he wants dinner he'll come down to eat." My mother said as she too, left the attic.

She's failed the test.

I expected Luke to fail as well because, I know this game is stupid to him. Though, I wanted to test something and this was the only way to do it!

"Have you checked behind the mirror?" Luke questioned as he got up to go and check for himself. I wasn't there though.

"Nope not here." He sighed.

"Okay well, we've checked every corner of this place." Uncle Theo stated as he pulled off one of the hats from his head.

No they haven't. They would have found me by now.

"And I'm starting to think he's in another room so, I'll go check his bedroom." He added as he left the attic.

He's failed the test.

He of all people, I expected him to pass.

"C'mon Jai where are you?" Luke asked as he checked behind the mirror once more.

"Alright fine, you got me! I don't know where you are. I'm probably talking to myself but, I honestly have no clue. I guess I'll go check the garage." He said to himself as he left the room.

With the soft click of the door closing behind him, I established that he had failed the test as well.

I was somewhere very obvious to the human eye, but only those who truly knew me would know where to look. I was eight feet above ground, sitting on a wooden plank that was attached to the attic's ceiling. My feet were dangling from it as I sat there, and I'm truly surprised that no one even glanced upwards at all during their search. Didn't they know that lost boys love the sky?

It's closer to home you know.

With a sigh, I began to lower myself to the ground. I dreadful place that drags my feet and limits me from flying away. Though, it's the only place that I can hug my family and that is worth much more to me. Even if they've failed such an important test.

Grabbing on to ledges and other wooden planks, I managed to get down onto the ground. People say that the ground is "sturdy" and a reward to stand upon every morning. If you are able wake up every morning, and have the chance to stand on the ground with your own two feet, then people say you should feel lucky. I don't think that though. The ground beneath me feels like it can shatter at any moment.

I dusted my hands off on my shirt, and I noticed that there was blood coming from my hands and onto my clean shirt. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion, and then looked at the palms of my hands.

There were scratches and cuts covering my hands. Perhaps the wood I had touched was much sharper than it looked. It didn't hurt though.

Not that I would know if it did anyway.

I wonder if blood is painful? Does is burn? Does it sting? Does it mean something? Why do people bleed? Do people bleed when they are in pain? Why do I bleed if I'm not in pain?

Maybe it's my own body trying to remind me that I'm still human, even though it feels like I'm just a walking freak. A freak that-

"Well well well." I heard a voice say, and I snapped my head up at the sound discarding my thoughts.

It was Luke. He had returned, and was wearing a smile on his face.

"I knew that if I stayed really quiet behind the door, then you would come out. I was right!" Luke said as he stepped closer to me.

"Did you know where I was?" I asked him.

"No, but all that matters is that I have found my lost boy." Luke stated.

"You can't find lost boys." I said quietly as I looked down at the ground.

"Then I'll just keep chasing you until I do." Luke firmly told me as he then engulfed me in a tight hug.

You see, the test was to see who would give up on a lost boy.

Luke didn't.

He had passed my test.


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