Daryl|| I can't lose you.

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(Season 4)

"Whatever (Y/N), I'm tired of your shit! Sneakin' 'round all the time and bein' a lil' bitch! Just leave!" Daryl yelled, his voice cracking slightly. His arm flicked you away and your heart shattered. But he was right, you needed to leave. Maybe it would be for the best.

You had gone on a run by yourself earlier without telling anyone where you had left to and your boyfriend, Daryl was not happy about that. When he found out you were missing he began to freak out and once he saw your car pull into the prison he was furious.

"You know what, I am leaving! And you can go fuck yourself. Goodbye Daryl." You replied in a disgusted tone. Tears welled up in your eyes and it was difficult to keep them from falling so you quickly turned around and walked to your cell you once had shared with Daryl.

As you threw all your items and food into your bags you thought about all the walkers that were out there waiting for you. Maybe you shouldn't leave, maybe you should apologise to Daryl and he would take you back. No, you couldn't do that, you need to get away from him.

You grabbed your very heavy and full bags and chucked them in the back seat of your car. You walked back to your old cell and observed how empty and lonely it looked. Then you saw it, a photo of you and Daryl cuddling as you slept.

Glenn took the photo on the first night you all had cleared out the prison. He found an old fashioned camera on a run a few days before and took pictures of everyone until the film in it ran out. He was devastated.

Walking over to it, you pick it up and looked at it closely. You saw how peaceful and protective Daryl was with his eyes closed and his features soft but his strong arm wrapped around your waist, holding you tightly to his chest.

Standing there in the cell staring at the picture with the man you can no longer call yours, you began to cry with loud sobs. Then he stepped in the cell behind you.
"(Y/N), I'm sorry I got mad and yelled at ya. I just...I just really love ya and I can't lose you." His deep voice said softly but something inside you told you to walk away.

You turned to face him and said, "Daryl, what you said hurt and I'm not going to stay here. This place is suffocating." You walked past him and headed towards your car.

You had ditched the photo and you had ditched your family. Now it was time to prove you could survive alone once again and this time you are stronger than ever.

"Goodbye Daryl Dixon, the man that broke my heart."

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