Carl|| Just let go

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(Season 4)

You were the youngest that was allowed to go on supply runs with Rick, Daryl and Michonne. You just turned 16 (you think) but you were a pro when it came to shooting. Before all this you competed in the Olympics and all over America earning gold after gold. This hobby turned out to be very useful when the world turned upside down.

Today was another supply day which you were excited to go on. This time Carl, your best friend, was coming with you and the rest of the group. The group consisted of Rick, Daryl, Maggie, Carl and yourself. It was a smaller group than usual but a lot of people have come down with the flu and were bedridden the poor things.

"Okay, let's do this." Rick said chucking food, water, fuel and guns all in the boot of the brownish car you, Maggie and Carl were all waiting in. Daryl got on his bike with his crossbow strapped tightly to his back and some saddle bags full of water and ammo.

Following behind Daryl, Rick drove straight to an abandoned warehouse full of different supplies you could use back at the prison. Rick parked the car right behind Daryl's bike and popped the boot. Everyone hopped out of the car and grabbed a different gun each. Carl grabbing a shotgun, Maggie a couple of pistols and Rick grabbing his Smith and Western. You chose the sniper that you had found and a small pistol with a silencer on the barrel. These were your go to guns.

The doors came into sight and Carl was heading straight for them. "Carl, just hang on a sec." You said running up beside him and knocking on the glass as you waited for the ugly monsters to come to the doors.

Groans and moans came from inside the door so one at a time you took all nine walkers out and entered the warehouse cautiously, you never know where they could be hiding. All of you split up into pairs, you joining Carl and the rest going off. The warehouse was huge and you had a bad feeling about the place but then again, you had a bad feeling about everywhere you went nowadays.

"Y/N, look." Carl said snapping you out of your daze and looked towards where he was pointing. In line with his finger was a baby walker strapped into a shopping trolley, it's groans disturbing you on every level possible. Your heart sank to your stomach as you looked ahead and began walking again, trying your hardest to ignore the heartbreaking sight. "Sorry I pointed that out."

"It's fine, just let's find these supplies and get the fuck out of here." You replied shining your torch at some batteries hanging on hooks. You stuffed the lot into your shoulder bag and continued on your search. Rick had given you a list of things to look for and now you only had to find food and medicine. You knew where the medicine would be since you remembered the map of the store at the front.

You began your travel towards the back of the store where the pharmacy section was hidden. Down the dark and messy isle you both walked, finding some cans of beans and corn along the way and a walker or two that you executed easily. The section had a huge sign reading 'Pharmacy', you heard Carl sigh in relief and head towards the medicine. You reluctantly walked towards it as well but had a bad feeling sitting in your stomach.

Carl ran about like a child in a candy store, bringing you medicines of a wide variety. You walked cautiously about, retrieving personal items and things for the whole group. On edge, every noise you heard you jumped towards it with your gun raised. When Carl's shotgun went off you sprinted to his location and saw the walkers surrounding him. With your gun you shot some and grabbed Carl to pull him away but when you did a walker grabbed your wrist and pulled you violently towards it.

A scream left your mouth and as you went to shoot the ugly being in the head another one gripped your arm and bit down hard on it causing some ungodly pain to shoot throughout your body. You fell to the ground and that was when they leaped on top of you.

" Run Carl!" You yelled, you knew there was no going back for you so you may as well save your best friend while you're at it.

He ran to his dad, knowing he wouldn't be able to save you but whilst retreating he clutched your bag close to his chest trying to savage the last thing he had of you. "Just let go." Was all he said for the rest of the day. He lost you, he lost his best friend.

Okay, I must say this isn't one of my finest imagines but I tried. I'm also thinking about doing preferences too but I dunno who to put in it, so comment who you guys would love to read about! Thanks Walkers.
~T-Dog out.

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