Glenn|| It's only you.

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(Season 2)

From the beginning it has been you and Glenn. When this whole thing started, it was you and Glenn. When you found the group after Atlanta had been bombed, it was you and Glenn. When you went to the farm, it was you and Glenn, but after she turned up, there's no room for you in his heart anymore.

Hershel's daughter, Maggie had stolen your crushes heart and you were determined to do anything to get his love back. You couldn't just sit back and watch him slowly forget you.

"(Y/N) and Glenn, I need you both to scout this area here," Rick instructed as he pointed to a map of the giant woodlands Sophia had gotten lost in, "and then move down back towards the farm. Make sure you nail your colour on the perimeter of your designated area. Your colour is green, leave when you're ready."

With that, Glenn grabbed a pile of green cloths and some nails then walked over to his tent. You went into your tent and grabbed your long knife, rifle and your backpack full of water and some food.

Tying your shoelace, Glenn walked in and asked if you were ready to leave. In his hands were his pistol and a bag which he slung over his shoulder.

You simply nodded and stood, hanging your rifle over your shoulder keeping your hands free. "Let's get going." You said in a bored tone.


As you and Glenn walked within your perimeter, he decided to start a conversation which you honestly didn't want anything to do with.

"Why haven't you been talking to me lately?" He said, hurt lacing each word.

"Because you're always with Maggie and never even try to talk to me. Why should I talk to you if you don't even act like I exist." You snapped back, keeping your eyes focused on the area ahead. Scanning back and forth for any sign of Sophia or walkers but only seeing trees and dead leaves covering the earth's surface.

He stopped, and looked at you, lowering his gun. "I don't like her like that (Y/N). She means nothi-" he began but soon you got tired of his lies.

"Oh my god Glenn! When are you going to stop lying to me and yourself! I loved you but now, ever since you met her, I don't know what to think of you." You yelled, throwing your hands in the air in frustration and turning to look at him.

The expression on his face showed hurt and complete shock and his voice sound like he was about to break, "You loved me?"

"Yeah I did but you broke my heart."

"(Y/N), it's you and it's only you that my heart belongs to. You may think I love Maggie but I don't. You're the only girl I have ever thought of and I want you to be my girlfriend." Glenn said as he walked very slowly towards you. You walked to him and stood in front of him, looking deeply into his eyes.

He grabbed your face in his hands and leaned down, gently pressing his lips to yours. Butterflies erupted in your stomach and you finally knew that Glenn Rhee was yours and you were his.

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