Worst Author Ever...

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Hey Walkers, so I haven't updated for like, a million years and I don't really have an excuse as to why I haven't updated, I just can't be bothered writing a lot of the time but I guess I'll update slowly and maybe in just giant bursts. I don't think I will do any of the requests just yet either, I still need to go through them and figure out what to do exactly, and whilst on that note; I haven't seen season 6B! So if you want to request something from that you will be disappointed.
Anyhow, I apologize for my lack of being a person and updating but aye, life moves on and I'm here now for my once a blue moon update for y'all.
Thanks for the votes on the story too, just because I haven't updated doesn't mean I haven't seen what you guys have been doing for me and it's pretty awesome.
~T-Dog out

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