Rick|| You're mine.

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(Season 5)
Dedicated to @Angel_Of_Death6

Daryl and I walked about Alexandria, laughing and smiling. People looked and smiled as they saw we were happy within these dark times.

Rick, my boyfriend, was at work, patrolling the walls and keeping the streets safe from a nonexistent violence. I haven't seen him in a while due to my job as a sniper in the guard tower at night, Rick working at day.

"You look tired Chantel." Daryl said, looking into my eyes seeing they are red with bags underneath.

"My night job is starting to catch up to me, I guess." I replied, shrugging my shoulders as if it were nothing.

We turned the corner of one of the roads and Rick stood at the end of the street, looking worried as he saw Daryl beside me.

"Rick looks like he has a baby face without the beard." Daryl whispered, making me laugh loudly.

It was true, without the beard he looked like his younger self. I smacked Daryl's arm and laughed even more.

As we walked past Rick, he glared at Daryl and grabbed my arm, stopping me from going any further. "We need to talk. Now!" He said sternly as he pulled me towards our house.

My heart raced and I became worried as he slammed the door shut behind me.

"What the hell was that Chantel!" He yelled, throwing his hands up and getting in my face.

"We were just talking! Why the fuck would you care? You are always with Jessie!" I screamed back, the same way he did.

"I don't talk to her! And don't put this on me, you're the one sleeping around!" Rick said, making me stand back at his comment.

His accusing words hurting more than they should. Why would Rick think that? I only love him. "Fuck off! You're just jealous!"

"Maybe I am, but I don't care anymore." He replied.

The door opened, there stood Glenn and Maggie, faces of concern.

"What's going on here?" Maggie asked, looking between us both. Her arms were crossed over her chest and looked angry that we didn't answer.

Glenn stepped into the conversation, "we heard yelling. We know something's going on."

"He's jealous." I said, nodding my head at Rick. A glare was the response I got from him and a small snarl coming from his way.

"We don't have time for petty arguments." Maggie sighed, turning away from us and dragging Glenn along.

I stormed off, going to our bedroom to pack my things and leave to live with Daryl until things settle.

"Where do you think you are going?" Rick roared, grabbing my wrists to stop me from packing anything else.

"I'm leaving." I said with a tone. I tried to free my wrists from his hands but to no avail. "Let go, god damn it."

I thrashed about pushing and pulling. Rick pushed me onto the bed and climbed on top of me. "You look hot when you're mad." He growled, kissing and sucking at me neck.

I was still angry but his kisses felt so right. I don't let myself show him that I was feeling pleasure but it was hard to hold back.

Rick's hand traveled down my stomach to the hem of my jeans and slid down them, feeling me through my panties.

A small moan escaped my mouth and I felt him smirk against my neck. His hand found it's way into my panties and rubbed my clit.

"Am I making you wet baby?" He mumbled against my neck. That was when I lost myself in a wave of sweet pleasure and let myself moan. In response, Rick chuckled lightly and kissed my lips harshly.

I unbuttoned my jeans and let Rick pull them down to reveal my lace underwear. Then I took his belt off and pulled his pants low to see his erection buldging through his briefs.

He stopped rubbing me and pulled my underwear down, leaving my bottom half naked against his eyes. Then his briefs were off and he prepared himself to entire me.

Without warning, his length rammed itself inside, making me scream out in a quick burst of pain. He stopped for a while, allowing me to grow comfortable.

Then when we both were ready and Rick moved, backwards and forwards, in and out. I gripped the sheets tightly beside me and threw my head back in pleasure and bucked my hips into his. His cold hand pushed my hips back down into the bed and he moved faster.

Rick hit my g-spot causing me to moan his name loudly. His smirk grew bigger and he kept hitting my g-spot, making go wild.

"Faster Rick!" I screamed and Rick began to move faster. "I'm almost there."

Moans erupted from my mouth nonstop as I felt myself want to cum.

I couldn't hold it back any longer and I let myself release and I felt Rick release his load into me. Heavy breaths came afterwards from us both, chests rising and falling.

"You're mine." Rick growled before I slipped into a peaceful sleep.

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