Rick|| Come with me.

997 14 2

(Season 5)
Dedicated to @minijessie_

"We need them back Dawn." Rick said sternly as he stared at Dawn with rage.

"Well, I need Jessie then. Once I have her, you all can leave." She replied.

I stood beside Rick, holding the back of his shirt trying to keep calm in this mayhem. Dawn is my friend but after what she did to Noah, I can't face her.

"She isn't going anywhere. Give us back Beth and Carol, then we can lead our separate lives." Rick stated, pushing me further behind him.

Dawn looked straight into my eyes and her burning rage died down to sadness. "Please Jessie. You are my only friend, I can't lose you." She spoke in a quiet tone.

My gaze hit the floor and my eyes burned with tears. I couldn't leave my family, but those people are just getting by.

The hallway began to spin so I clung onto Rick for support. "I want to stay with my family Dawn." I said, my eyes still glued to the floor.

Her eyes grew into an even deeper sadness as my words processed through her brain. But, that sadness soon disappeared into a furious look. She pulled her gun from its holster and held it up to Beth's trembling head.

"If you don't stay, then Beth stays." She said, power lacing her words. Dawn grabbed Beth in a tight hold, not even tempted to let go.

Beth struggled against Dawn's grip trying to be free from her dangerous state. Beth pulled a pair of carefully hiden scissors and tried to stab Dawn in the heart but failing due to Dawn's bulletproof vest.

A loud gunshot filled the hallway and Beth's body fell limp to the ground. He peaceful eyes falling closed and mouth slightly ajar. She now was at peace in this world full of chaos and hell. She was with the angels.

Daryl's arm and gun flew beside my head and his finger pulled the trigger. Along side Beth fell Dawn's lifeless body. Blood pooling beside them both.

"Let's go, Jessie. We don't belong here." Rick said, turning to me with tear filled eyes. I nodded and threw myself into his arms and cried into his broad chest.

"It's okay Jessie, I'm here." He soothed kissing the top of my head.

I hope this is what you wanted Jessie. I'm so sorry about this being like 2 months late! I've had exams and then my wattpad got deleted along with this part and ugh, the struggle is real.

Thanks Jessie for requesting :)

~T-Dog out.

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