Noah|| You ready?

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(Season 5)
Dedicated to @shaysmith111

Noah, Rick, Glenn, Daryl and I arrived back at Alexandria from a hunt in the woods. Of course, Daryl caught most of the food but hey, I was there for moral support.

Within Alexandria, everything was quiet and peaceful like always. Children were either playing or at school, parents hard at work and everyone smiling despite the man-eating monesters just outside the walls.

"Babe, I'm gonna head home." Noah told me as he started to walk to the house we both shared.

"I'll come too." I said with a smile as I held his large hand and walked beside him.

Our house is a large home that is a cream colour. Small flowers grew beside the sidewalk that lead to the front door.

As we entered our home, Noah turned to look at me holding a mischievous smile.

"Umm, Noah?" I said nervously but all of a sudden I was stopped by his forceful lips being pressed to mine.

Noah gently pushed me into the wall caressing my breast and massaging it gently. Moans erupted from my mouth from his actions.

"Jump Shannon." Noah whispered as he deepened the kiss.

I forced myself to jump into his arms and he carried me to our bedroom. Throwing me onto the bed, he ripped his shirt off revealing his abs and muscular chest.

My blush became a crimson red and I felt myself crave Noah's body. I wanted him on top of me, pounding into me without any regrets. I needed him.

In a quick motion I pulled my shirt off as well as my bra, leaving me bare under Noah's lustful eyes.

"Fuck Shannon, you look beautiful." He said breathlessly.

I sat up grabbing his belt and undoing it, revealing his boldge poking through his underwear. My dirty thoughts exploded within my mind and I let them loose.

Throwing my jeans and panties off, I pulled Noah onto me, pulling his underwear down to show his dick.

"Fuck me baby." I said in a desperate tone, wanting him more than ever.

I felt Noah slide into me and then all I felt was pleasure. His length driving in and out of me causing loud moans and screams to come from my trembling lips.

I felt myself get close to my high so I gripped the bed sheets and threw my head back letting out Noah's name in a scream.

"I love you Shannon." Noah whispered as I drifted into a deep sleep.

I hope that was good. This was my first time writing it so I hope I didn't hopelessly fail. Sorry it was incredibly late!

Thanks to Shannon for requesting :)

~T-Dog out

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