Chapter 6. Feeling like a complete Idiot

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I am trying to keep reminding myself the words that just came out of my father mouth.
I keep saying the words again and again in my mind just to make sure what i just heard is right.

I am so socked that i can't even blink my eyes are wide open with sock. I stand there frozen. My mind is keep repeating everything just like a song on replay.
I can't believe what just happened in this room seconds ago.

"SAHIBA?!!" heena called with her low voice

"Huh? Wha-what my father just said???" I look up at heena. A tear fell down from my eye.

"Sahiba. Its all right Please right now try to control yourself ..please" Heena told me and Quickly dry my tear with her Dupatta

She is right. Right now i cant do this. I can't let some one see me like this or even let them know what im feeling Right now.

This room is full of my family members but i just can't do this because if they get to know im not happy with this. Which is absolutely true im not happy but i can't let them know because if i did they will say i am a 'Disgrace' to the family and my parents.

So right now i just have to go with whats happening here.

"Hmm" i replied heena and nod my head

Everyone is happy so Happy specially the old ones like my aunties uncles my grandma like this is what they've been waiting for. They bring out sweets from the kitchen and start to feed each other.

"Congratulations!! Wow faiz you got the best eidy ever" one of the boys told faiz
Eidy means Eid's Gift.

I look at faiz. All the boys are around him and congratulating him and hugging him. He is smiling. I don't know why but i feel Faiz is not happy and he is acting like he is happy.
For the first time ever i feel like we are feeling the same.
He look at me and just look away.

"Sahiba beta im so lucky to have you as my Daughter in Law!!" My Aunt Jahida said with a huge smile and kiss me on forehead.

Now she is gonna be my Mother in Law. Its so i don't know.. weird because it all happened so fast.

I didn't say anything because there is a lot going in my mind its just happened so suddenly and quickly.
I feeling so confused. My head is hurting so bad. I just smile.
I wanted go away from all this. I start to walk upstairs.

"You want me to come with you?" Heena ask me worryingly

"No. I want to be alone"

I start to leave.

"Sahiba where are you going?" My grandma ask

Im going to hell. wanna join? Ugh why i have to answer everything.

"My head is hurting im gonna sleep!!" I reply without even looking back

Tears started to burn in my eyes I take couple of steps forward tears starts to running down.
I look back as climbing the stairs and my eyes locked with Faiz's Eyes. Im sure he saw my Tears so I quickly look away and come back to my room.

I locked the door and sit down on bed i burst into tears. I don't know what exactly happened downstairs ten minutes ago.
I was feeling so much pain. I can hear everyone laughing and enjoying.

I woke up and open my eyes ouchh my eyes are burning and my head is hurting like hell. I didn't even know when i fell asleep.
What happened last night? Goddd
Then i remember everything. I wish it was a nightmare but its not a nightmare its reality. Reality of my life.

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