Chapter 4

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Light beamed into the window and shined upon Xerina's face waking her up.
Xerina looked around. "Hmm..." she got up and looked out the window. "Today we start our journey in Unova!" She pulls out a pokeball from her bag and sends out her oshawott. "Come on you two!"
Oshawott and Fang hopped onto Xerina's shoulders after she put her bag on. Xerina then left the room, down the stairs to the kitchen.

Kyle was lounging on the couch watching a television program. "Hey Xerina" he waved and turned to smile at her. "You ready to head out now?"

Xerina smiled. "yeah! Let's go. Where's your mother though?"

"She's at the lab. Doing what professors do." He sighed as he got up off the couch and grabbed his things. "Let's go." He opens the door for her and closes it after they have both exited the house.

The two walked along route 1. The wind blew slightly; sending a cool breeze swirling into them.
Xerina smiles. "That was refreshing."

Fang and Oshowatt smile in agreement.

Kyle smiles. "Yeah. Let's just get to the first gym"

Just as the route began to end, a town appeared in front of them. As they got closer, a large group of people surrounded some people in black suits.
The man in the centre had green hair and seed to be the leader of the group.

"Help us to liberate as many Pokemon as we can!" The man hollered as the crowd cheered in agreement.
Moments later the crowd of people dispersed and the two trainers walked over to the centre. Two people remained. A woman with brown hair and glasses and a man with green hair and a baseball cap.

The man walked over to Kyle and Xerina as the woman followed the other man.
"Hello there! Did you know you're Pokemon think very highly of you!" The man smiles.
The two trainers looked at him oddly. "I forgot. My name is Natual Harmonia Gropius. But please call me N. I am the king to be of Team Plasma." N smiles brightly at Xerina.

"I'm Xerina and this is Kyle." Xerina smiles back at N

"You're Pokémon think very highly of you." N exclaims. "I can understand Pokémon."

"Where is the first gym?" Kyle blurts out. N smiles.

"It's in Striaton city. The next town over" N replies.

"Come on Xerina! Let's go!" Before Xerina and N have a chance to say good bye, Kyle drags her along with him to Striaton city. N waves at the two as they get farther and farther away.

The man from before walks up to N with the woman. "We must go now son." The man's voice was deep and stern.

"Yes Ghetsis sir" N nods looking at the man.

Ghetsis escourted N and the woman into a Team Plasma helicopter.

Xerina and Kyle run to Straiton city as the Team Plasma helicopter soared above their heads; unaware of what was in store for them later on.

The two arrived at the gym in Straiton city and entered.

"Are you ready for this Xerina?" Kyle pumped his fist in the air excitedly.

Xerina shrugged. "I guess so..." Kyle ran around and then came back to Xerina looking upset.

"Where's the gym? This is just a restaurant!" Kyle pouted as he leaned against a waiter. "WHERE IS THE GYM?!?!?!" He yelled and everyone turned to face the two trainers.

Xerina sweat a bit. "Kyle! Keep your voice down!" She whispered to him.

"Are you wanting a gym battle?" A man with flaming red hair and red eyes called out as the stage area began to change into a battle field.

"Then you've come to the right place!" Another man yelled; this Time he had green hair and green eyes.

"We are the gym leaders! I am Cress" a man with blue hair and blue eyes exclaimed passively.

"I am Chili" the red headed man stated

"And I am Cilan!" The green haired man said.

"I'm Kyle and this is Xerina! And we're here to challenge you to a gym battle!" Kyle dragged Xerina up to the battle field where the three stood prominently. "Let's get this battle started!"

"Alright, the battle between the gym leaders Cilan, Chili and Cress and the challengers Xerina and Kyle is about to begin!" The referee called out as the battle began.

"Snivy! Use leaf blade on Panpour!" Kyle ordered as his Snivy's tail glowed bright and slashed at Cress' Panpour. Panpour was hit and recoiled back.

"Oshowatt! Razor shell on Pansear!" Xerina commanded as her Oshowatt slashed at Chili's Pansear; knocking it out almost instantly. "Critical hit! Yes!" Xerina exclaimed feeling pumped up.

Cress' Panpour used water gun on Snivy, but it wasn't very effective.
Kyle's Snivy then used leaf blade once more on Panpour and knocked it out.

The three gym leaders were devastated. "We lost." They gave Xerina and Kyle their gym badges and a 1200 poke dollar reward each.

"Come on Xerina! Let's go to the next gym!" Kyle yelled as he dragged Xerina out of the gym and to the next city.


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