Chapter 11

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"I hate you! I never want to see you! I hate being your daughter! I wish I was never born!" The thoughts circled through Xerina's head. All she saw around her was darkness.

She could hear voices around her. They were familiar to her.

"This must be hard for her..." one said.

"How long will she be like this?" Another asked.

"I don't know." The last one stated.

They all seemed to be sad and almost depressed. Xerina couldn't figure out why though...

"Xerina! Wake up!" The second voice called. This time Xerina was forcefully shaken. She knew the voice to whom was shaking her.

"Kyle stop!" Another male's voice called; she knew it had to be Volkner's. Xerina could her crying in the background and thought it must have been Elesa's.

"Why are you crying?" She tried to ask but nothing came out.

Finally she opened her eyes to see Volkner pinning Kyle to the floor and Elesa in the corner crying. Who died? She thought as she looked around.

"Xerina...?" Kyle looked at her.

"Yeah?" She looked at him concerned.

"Are you alright?"


"You sure?"

"Kyle. Stop." Xerina got up a bit shaken. "I'm fine. Can you explain to me what happened?"

Kyle looked at Volkner who allowed him to stand up and he walked over to Xerina. "We found you outside of the gym in some sort of trance. You have been like that for three days."

"Long enough for them to escape with her" Xerina mumbled.

"Them? Her? Who are they?" Kyle asked, though he already knew the answer.

"Team Plasma kidnapped mother. And it's all my fault." Tears began to fill her eyes.

Elesa wrapped her arms around the crying child to comfort her. "It's not your fault, Cynthia will be alright."

"Besides, we can get her back." Volkner gave a reassuring smile.

"How?" Xerina's voice was shaken with sadness.

"We've located the where abouts of Team Plasma's headquarters, however...." Volkner trailed off.

"However?!?" Xerina got a little anxious.

"Their HQ is located near victory road. You'll have to defeat the other gyms to get there."

Xerina clenched her fists. "If that's what it takes to get mother back, I'll do it!"

"Your Pokémon are with Nurse Joy if you are wondering." Kyle leaned back.

Xerina smiled and hugged Kyle. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For sticking with me, I really appreciate it."

"Ah it was nothing." Kyle blushed once Xerina gave him a small peck on the cheek.

Elesa smiled.

"Let's all head out to Drieftville city." Volkner smiled and walked out; the others followed him soon after. All were headed for Drieftville city.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2015 ⏰

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