Chapter 7

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Lenora sighed. "Great battle you two! You've earned these." She hands Xerina and Kyle a basic badge each.

Kyle and Xerina cheered in unison. "We just got the basic badge!"

"Off to Castellia city now!" Kyle exclaimed and drags Xerina off.

              *               *                 *

The two stroll along a pathway that leads to Castelia city.

"Have you ever been to Castelia city?" Kyle asks.

"No. Have you?" Xerina looks at Kyle.

"Yeah. It's a really big city and the gym leader is a really good artist."

"That's so-" Kyle covered up Xerina's mouth. "What are you doing?" Xerina whispered looking at him.

Kyle said nothing but pointed to a hoard of beedrill. He motioned to follow him and then quietly snuck around the group.

Xerina followed him silently. Making sure not to disturb the bug pokemon. She was almost around the bend when she stepped on a twig. She slowly shifted her weight and then jumped. Unfortunately, her clumsiness kicked in and she tumbled into a bush. "Ow..." she got up and rubbed her torso, forgetting about the beedrill. Xerina looked back at the beedrill and noticed they were glaring at her angrily.

"Oh dear." Kyle gasped. "Run Xerina!" He grabbed her hand and dashed off. The beedrill followed them furiously.

"We're not going to make it!" Xerina cried. "We'll have to fight them!"

"No!" Kyle continued to run. Sweat dripped off of his face.

"What's wrong Kyle?" Xerina looked at him concerned. Still running from the beedrill.

"Nothing is wrong." He quickly muttered as the two tumbled down a hill. Xerina landed on top of Kyle.

Kyle's eyes widened as he gazed at Xerina. Never before did he have so much feeling for this girl that he'd barely knew.

"Xerina! Are you alright?" He looked at her.

She groaned as she began to wake up. "Nugh... that was... fun..." she looks at Kyle. "I'm sorry!" She quickly got up.

"It's alright." He got up. "Looks like we lost the beedrill." Kyle smiled.

"Yeah. Let's go to Castelia city!" Xerina jumped excitedly.

Kyle smiled and ran with her to the large city of Castelia. "When we arrive, I'll get a Castelia cone for you! They are to die for!"

                *             *            *

The two arrived at the opening of the city, Kyle grasped Xerina's hands and dragged her to the Castelia cone stand.

"I'll get two!" He called to the man at the cart.

The man nodded and handed him two cones.

"Thank you!" Kyle took the cones and went over to Xerina. "Here you go." He handed her one of the cones and then began to eat his.

Xerina smiled and tasted hers. It was nothing like she's ever had before. She loved it. "This is amazing!" Xerina exclaimed.

"Let's go to the gym now!" Kyle gobbled up the rest of his Castelia cone and rushed to the gym.

Xerina sighed as she finished hers and followed after him. "Wait." She called as she caught up to him.

The boy led the girl into the gym. "Here we are." He stated, adoring the works along the walls.

"Have you come to challenge me?" A man with brown curled hair walked up to them.

"Yes we have!" Kyle stated egerly.

The man smiled and then led the two to the battle field. "My name is Burgh. And I am the gym leader in this city."

The referee started the battle soon after.

{A/N: just skipping a bit of the battle}

Burgh calls out for his levanny to use leaf blade.

Kyle orders Snivy to counter with leaf blade.

The two attacks collide.

Xerina's pidove striked Levanny with an air cutter attack causing it to faint. Granting the win to Xerina and Kyle.

"Here you two go." Burgh hands the two their badges and sends them on their way.

As the two trainers head off to Nimbasa city, the figure follows them. Slowly getting closer to them.

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