Chapter 10

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Friday rolled around and Eren was allowed to go to Levi's to learn French. He was ecstatic that another language was going to be under his belt. He looked at the paper and noticed that he was going to be going to 57 Stohess Avenue. Eren's eyes bugged. That was one of the nicest neighborhoods in the entire fucking city!

When he walked up to the house, Eren's jaw dropped. And he thought Hanji's house on Rose Street was nice! This house was GORGEOUS! It was two stories, and most likely had a finished basement AND attic, making it more like a fucking three or four story house. It was black with white shutters, which was a strange color combination because you almost never saw a house that was painted black. It was rare, but it looked great!

The lawn was well kept as well and Eren wondered if that could be from Levi, or if they were well off enough to afford someone to do it. Eren wasn't sure, but it was fucking possible by the looks of things.

Eren pushed the doorbell and a woman answered. She had bleach blond hair and looked WAY to young to be a mother of anyone above the age of three.

"Hello, and who are you?" And she wasn't that nice. Pretty, but not that nice. Why does it not surprise Eren someone like this lives in Levi's house? He barely knew the dude on a personal level and he could tell this was a norm.

"My name's Eren. Levi invited me over for a tutoring session." Eren said, bowing his head lightly. The woman rolled her eyes.

"Levi! One of your significant others is here!" She called. Eren's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Excuse me ma'am, but I'm not-"

"We aren't dating. Calm down bitch." The woman's eyes narrowed.

"It's Stephanie." Levi sighed.

"And next week you'll probably be gone. I don't give a shit." Levi got to the bottom of the stairs. "Salut gosse. You ready?" Eren nodded excitedly as Levi brought him to the stairs. "We'll be in my room. Don't bug us." And they headed up the stairs. Eren was nervous. He always was the first time in a player's house before they've broken. (Hello brat)

As they got into Levi's room, Eren noticed three things. One, it was so clean he could probably lick the floor and end up having a cleaner tongue then before he licked it. Two, he was hit with the scent of lilacs and vanilla. And three, Levi had TONS of stuffed animals displayed neatly around the room on any surface that didn't hold books or CDs.

"W-Wow." He said as he looked at a small pink stuffed bunny on Levi's night stand. Levi clicked his tongue.

"They're from the fucking girls and boys I've dated and am currently dating. Fuckers just keep giving them to me like they're going out of style. I haven't got rid of them because they make great fucking re-gifts for new suckers." Levi said as he sat on his bed. "Nous commençons. Je vais vous dire maintenant, je ne vais pas être facile avec toi, et vous allez falloir apprendre vite parce que je ne suis pas merdique patiente." Eren nodded, though he didn't understand a damn thing Levi just said, though with his knowledge of Latin, Spanish, and Italian, he could guess what a few of the words were. (Let's begin. I'm gonna tell you now brat, I'm not going to be easy on you, and you're going to have to learn fast because I'm not fucking patient.)

"You have no idea what I said, do you?" Eren shrugged.

"S-Something about... starting?" Eren said dumbly. Levi nodded and they got to work learning the basics.

"Merci le Dieu tu es un apprenant vite." Levi said, leaning back on his headboard. Eren smirked lightly. (Thank God you're a fast learner.)

"J'ai appris Latin, bien sûr je suis un apprenant vite. Français dérivé de Latin." It wasn't spoken perfectly, but Levi could at least understand it. (I learned Latin, of course I'm a fast learner. French came from Latin.)

"Peu importe. Nous allons avec les bonnes choses. Gros mots. Première, et plus important, merde." And so Eren began to learn curse words in French, and the younger boy had to admit, he was enjoying this incredibly. Swears were his favorite in any language. And now he could just go nuts when he cussed people out! (Whatever. Let's move onto to the good stuff. Swears. First, and most importantly, is fuck.)

"That's enough for today." Levi said, stretching lightly. He had only gone though a few of his favorite curse words and swears in French, but Eren picked them up and learned them happily, trying extra hard to get their pronunciation right.

"Levi! Is your new toy staying for dinner?" Stephanie called up. Eren growled.

"Fick dich Schlampe! Ich bin kein verdammtes Spielzeug!!" Eren shouted down in German. Levi just stared at him for a minute. "My mom will want me home soon. So I won't be staying." Eren said, a little calmer, but it was obvious to Levi he was forcing it. (Fuck you bitch! I'm no fucking toy!)

"Whatever." Levi said as he opened his door. "He's not my new fucking toy putain!" Levi yelled down. "And he needs to go home." Levi showed Eren to his door. "We should probably stick with doing this on Fri-" Levi's phone started ringing and he sighed as 'Bitch Came Back' started to play. Levi looked at the phone and sighed. "See you later brat." Levi answered the phone as he shut the door. (bitch)

"Levi! Where are you! I've been waiting for almost an hour." She whined. Levi only knew it was the Bitch from Karanese because of how fucking whiny she was. The other girl wasn't bad, but they barely saw each other so he was probably going to end it with her this weekend anyways.

"I was tutoring someone in French." Levi said as he headed to the dining room where his dad was sitting with the current fuck toy.

"But I'm your bookiboo and surely I'm more important than some tutoring lesson." Levi sighed as he sat down.

"No, you aren't. I had promised this kid I'd teach him French, and I'm following through with it. Deal with it." He heard a huff.

"Whatever. I better see you tomorrow at the cafe! You owe me for standing me up!" Levi just sighed and hung up.

"Which one was that?" Levi's dad, Kenny, asked.

"The one from Karanese. She's pissed I decided to tutor someone in French then go to a fucking cafe to waste my money on her."

"Why keep her then?" Kenny asked. Levi shrugged.

"Why not?" Kenny hummed as they finished their meal.

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