(#19 - Part 1) He Hits You// Part 2

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You were so close out the door, but then you heard sobbing. It broke your heart to hear him cry.

"Y/N, please don't leave me. I'm sorry, it's just your words made me so angry. I didn't even think what I was going to do next and so it was like a quick reflex," He said in one breath. You turned around to face him.

He was sitting on the couch, his face in his hands. You never usually heard him cry before. "My dad always told me that it was wrong to hit a woman. He told me to promise to him that I would never hit my loved one," he spoke up with his quivering voice.

Your back was against the front door, waiting for him to continue.

"I broke that promise. I hit the person I love the most. The person I love more than myself. The person I love more than life, itself. I love you too much to lose you, Y/N. I beg you with all my heart, don't leave me please. Be mine forever. We could get married, we could have children, get old together," he said standing up.

He walked closer to you, you didn't move. You knew he would be gentle this time. You stared into his chocolate brown eyes. "I love you, Y/N. So much that you don't understand. I'm so sorry. I understand if you're still upset with me, but just please don't ever leave me."

You didn't answer, all you did was press your chapped lips to his soft plump ones. "You swear?" You asked after you pulled away. "I swear on my life," he said and kissed you again.

He never laid a hand on you again.


You woke up in your bed. You sat up a little, but that just made you shriek in pain. You heard stuff drop and break downstairs and someone rushing up the stairs. "Oh god, you're okay," Christian said and rushed to you. He kissed you everywhere.

You looked down at your arms. It was bandaged up and so was your right ankle. "What happened," you asked. "What happened was I was a total asshole. I was an idiot. I was a jerk. And I just hate myself," he spoke. You still didn't understand. You looked up at him and it looked like he was about to cry. "We got into a fight. I shoved you and you fell back on to the glass table and the glass cut through your skin. Y/N, I'm sorry." That's when he dropped down onto his knees and sobbed. "I'm a horrible person."

"Shh shh," you whispered to him. He sniffled. "I'm alive and that's all that matters, okay? I lost some blood, who cares? I lose blood every month," You chuckled at your own joke.

He sniffled again. "I'm sorry. I really am. How can I make it up to you?" He asked. "Cuddling and Netflix," you smiled. (A/N No, not Netflix and chill lmao)

He smiled back. He laid on the other side of the bed. He turned on Netflix and picked out the show, The Walking Dead (cause that show is bomb afffffff)

"And hey, Chris?" You said and glanced at him. He glanced back,"Yeah, babe?"

"What'd you break downstairs?"


HELLO!!!! I'm back. I know you all wanted part 2. TA DA. Surprised? ;) Well, school fucking sucks ass, it kills me every single day. I hope you lovelies are having better days than mine, but if you are down, just know you are an amazing and beautiful person :)) I love you guys. Hopefully, I can update again. OH AND PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT IF YOU LIKE CHANDLER RIGGS//CARL GRIMES. IF I CAN ABOUT 5 COMMENTS SAYING YOU LIKE HIM, I SHALL MAKE A SMALL IMAGINE FOR HIM. Cause ya know, I'm in both fandoms 🌚 but yeah. Love y'all. <3
-Cheyenne N//xCollinerx

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