#9 Fangirling Over Your Celebrity Crush

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Your Favorite Celebrity:

You were currently at Crawford's house. His mom went out to do groceries so he got bored like always and invited you.

You sat there scrolling through Instagram until you see that your celebrity crush has posted a picture.

"Oh my god, he is just the hottest human being," you whisper.

Crawford was currently sitting next to you, scrolling through his Twitter feed.

"That picture better be of me," Crawford smirked. You shook your head and said,"It's (Y/F/C)."

"What?! Let me see," he said and grabbed the phone from your hands. "Crawford!" You say jumping on to him.

He moved the phone far away from your reach. "Pwease," You beg in a cute baby voice, sticking your bottom lip out.

"Oh no no," he smiled, his cute dimple showing. "My girl won't be looking at pictures of hot guys unless it's me."

"Come on, babe," you whine, trying to grab your phone again. "Give it!"

"Fine, give me a kiss," he smirked. You gave him a peck on the lips and then pulled away. "Another."

So you did it again. "One more," he chuckled. You did one last time, making it a bit longer to keep him distracted.

You slowly reached for the phone took it out of his hands, but you were caught.

"No no," He shook his head with a smile. "But Crawf," you whine again. He sighed and gave up.

He finally passed you the phone. "Thank you," you say about to jump off his lap.

"Nope," he stated and grabbed your waist. "I gave you the phone so now we have to cuddle." Now this didn't bother you because you guys loved to cuddle.

"Okay," you shrug and you lay down next to him. His arm on your waist.

You both slowly drifted off to sleep.


You, Christian, and Your best friend were at a frozen yogurt shop because it was burning hot outside.

"Oh my god, did you see {Y/F/C}'s new picture? He is so hot that it kills me," Your best friend fangirled.

"Oh my god! Let me see," you say, anxious to see. Chris just sat there watching you. Every movement. He just smiled.

Your best friend pulled out her phone and put in the passcode. She went on to instagram and scrolled down until she found it.

She showed you a picture of him shirtless and it just made you two go wild.

"He is just wow," you say. Christian sighed and said,"It's just a picture."

You both look at him. Then Your best friend just smirked. "Christian's jealous."

"Am not!" He protested. "Oh come on, Chris. We know you are." She said.

"I am not. I'm saying it's just a picture," He shrugged. "Babe, everyone Fangirls over your pictures," You say.

"True," he said and took another bite of his yogurt.

You roll your eyes and just stare at the picture, hypnotized.

"Babe," Chris said waving his hand over your face. "Sorry," you mumble.

"Let me see what all this fuss is about," he said and took the phone.

He grabbed it and looked at the picture. "Eh," he shrugged.

"Just 'Eh'? Are you serious? Chris, babe, this guy is like a god," You say and take the phone back.

"Ahem," Chris said clearing his throat. "Chris, come on. Your love for Ariana is the same as (Y/F/C) and I," You say.

"But I love you more," He said and scooted his chair next to you. He planted a small kiss on your head as you giggled.

"I love you too," you smile. "Aww," Your best friend cooed. Chris put his arm around you and you both just smiled.

"Wait. Stay still," Your bestie said. You and Chris look at each other confused, but just sat still.

You heard a little click which meant it was a camera. "Do I look pretty," You ask.

"Babe, you always look pretty.. Correction. Beautiful," Chris said.

"You are so cute," you smile. "Why thank you."

"I love you," He said. "I love you too." You said and press your lips to his.

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