Chapter 10

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Liam's POV
I heard screaming from upstairs, I ran up the long staircase and into Christine's room. "Niall?" I ask.
Christine's POV
I saw Niall, some pink scissors, and lots of blood. "How did this happen," I thought," he wasn't even in here. I hear a phone dialing, then Liam's voice. "My friend Niall has been stabbed, and we need help... Please," Liam talked frantically. There was a lot of screaming and yelling, and all of it was blurred out by the voices in my head telling me that this was my falt. "I'm so sorr..." I got cut off by Louis. "Christine! You are not allowed here anymore, now get the hell out of our house!" He screAmed. Liam just took my hand and lead me downstairs while the ambulance came and got Niall. "Are you really throwing me out?" I ask sadly. "No honey, we need to get you away from Louis right now," he says assuringly. I hear more words, but I can't make them out in my head. Something about sohpia, and flat, I didn't get the rest. "Liam?" I ask. "Yes," Liam calls while we get into a car. "Am I gonna get arrested?" I ask really scared of his response. "No, it wasn't your falt," he said. I wasn't sure he meant it. "Ok," I say ending the conversation. We sit in the car for about 15 minutes, then Liam stops the car. We get out and walk to this apartment building. I see Sophia, and I run into her arms. "Hey, it's okay!" She whispers. "Ok, so I'll be back in like 3 days, to try to get Louis back in mind." Liam whispers to Sophia. "Ok," she says back. Sophia walked me inside and upstairs to the 2nd floor. "Your gonna be fine." She says soothingly. I didn't even realize j was crying. We got to the room, and she let me go to to guest bed to sleep. "You should probably get some sleep, you've been through a lot today." I hear Sophia call.

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