A Friend In Need

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We all need someone to help us stand on our feet again..a friend..this may be your class mate, brother, mother or even someone you've just met at a bus station. With friends near you, you will always find a shelter, a shoulder and a bucket to fill with all your secrets knowing that they'll be sealed.

Friends may fight or even not talk to one another for days, but we all know that no matter what..some of those friends will always turn back to each other in the end.So I'd like to dedicate this poem to my beloved friends just to let them know that I love them!

As I lay down thinking about what we share

It's way too deep but I don't even care

I'm going to tell it all and I know you'd recall

How you've been there for me when my tears fell down like rain

How we laughed away the hours and almost cried in pain

People would stare at us for ages and think we were insane

How you stroked my shoulder gently and told me it's going to be okay

Even though we both knew it was just a calming phrase

How I told you "I'm fine" but you insisted to stay

'Cause you knew that deep inside i was broken but couldn't say

And you tried to cheer me up and tried to ease my haze

Your words have made me survive all those bitter days

They also helped me realize that nothing is worth the struggle

We would sing our hearts out when our song comes on shuffle

Those little things may seem so daffy but for me they make the best memory

Thank you for popping into my life and making my days

I wish you'd stay a bit longer if you'd fancy a quick ride to the old days

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