Chapter 10

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  • Dedicated to Mi Padre!

Hey guys hope you had a nice 4th of July! I went swimming and helped momma make a fruit and whip cream dish!!! Sorry for taking so long to upload. My laptop cord wasnt working but my dad fixed it! Yay! Go dad!

Alrighty enjoy chappie 10! :D


I woke up the next morning feeling worse. I kept dreaming of him, his evil eyes, his threats, his knife.

How could he still haunt me after he left? He knew he would. He told me so. I could still remember the first time I laid my eyes on him. I regretted it so much.

Three and a half years ago on the first day of school.

"You there!" I jumped off the swing and looked around for the unfamiliar voice. It was the janitor and he was beckoning me over to him.

He looked Hispanic and he was about two heads taller than me but shorter than my parents.

"Yes?" I said coming up to him with an innocent smile. I didn't know what I was getting in trouble for but I did know it was probably Madison's fault. I also knew that I would take the wrap for it because that's what big sister's are for. Even if I was only 10 seconds older.

"Do you know what you're in trouble for?" He asked grinning with his crooked yellow teeth and glaring at me at the same time. I briefly wondered how he did that before checking my reflection in his several gold teeth. Once I was sure I looked sweet and not capable of doing anything wrong I looked up at him through my lashes.

"No sir." His grin faded and he pursed his lips.

"You were born." He said through gritted teeth before gripping my wrists in his hands. I started fighting him to no avail, fear consuming my body and taking over my actions.

He leaned forward and whispered into my ear. "Come silently and I will not harm Victoria." I then realized I was right, he did mean to grab Maddy. I stopped struggling and followed his orders but not before glancing back at my beloved sister.

She was swinging with her eyes closed, oblivious that I even got up from beside her.

That day he whipped my back repeatedly as a punishment to a crime I didn't know of let alone commit.

I knew then that he wasn't a normal janitor.

In a matter of minutes I was dressed and out the door. I didn't bother waiting for Erik, just like yesterday he was getting a ride from Trixie. Crunching leaves on the sidewalk with my shoes I took a deep breath and put up my emotionless front while pushing memories in the back of my brain.

"Wait!!!" I heard behind me. I stopped and curiously glanced back. "Victoria!"

'I am so confused right now...' I thought looking at a huffing and puffing Rebecca. When she reached me she gasped a couple of times for air before standing up strait.

She looked me right in the eye confidently. "I need your help." I raised an eyebrow at her and she looked down, slightly embarrassed.

"My mom is out of town and I don't really want to go with the girls..." She rambled on. I started walking toward the school and she fell into step beside me. "Well I need a shopping buddy." She finally said looking nervous.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "For a gown, and for just hanging out." She clarified. A light bulb went off in my head and I was even more confused. 'Why would she want me to help her find a dress? Does she think I have good style?' I looked down at my black clothes and inwardly chuckled. 'Then why?'

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