Chapter 30

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Sorry for being away for so long, school has been crazy and in the upcoming week I have to do all my finals except for spanish; I already finished that. Then I'll be on break so thats when I'll write the next chappie. Also this chapter contains a mini time jump because I got writers block and didn't know what to do for a few days... So enjoy :)


The next morning I woke up to my bed shaking and incessant chanting, pulling me out of the dream world. I listened until I could make out the words- “Finish the dress! Finish the dress!” I threw my covers off my head with a groan. “Oh look your awake might as well finish the dress!”

Grabbing my notepad I wrote a hello in my tired writing- ‘what are you doing in my house?!’

“Just going for a stroll…” Wyatt replied nonchalantly.

‘At 4:27 in the morning?!?!’ I wrote after consulting my wall clock.

“Yes.” I rolled my eyes and climbed out of bed. “Listen, its nine days until the dance so you’ve better hurry up!”

‘I have plenty of time.’ I wrote.

He snorted. “Yeah right. Your just gonna put it off so you won’t have it done in time.”

My cheeks burned as a rapidly shook my head at his plausible accusation.

He smiled knowingly. I adverted my eyes and my gaze landed on the mask. It was beautiful indeed. Just a little too beautiful for me.

“After you brush your teeth come out and we’ll work on it together.” And with that he left me in solitude.

I looked up to the ceiling without really seeing it. “God.” I whispered. “Please help me.” One lonesome tear ran down my cheek before I stood up and got ready for the day.

I sighed and fell back on the bleachers in exhaustion. All the girls practically begged to do laps today. Apparently they wanted to try to loose weight before the dance. Queue the eye roll please.

I scanned the crowd of sweaty teenagers until I saw Rebecca. She was off on her own conversing with a girl I frequently saw in Home EC. I smiled a small bittersweet smile. It was nice to see that she made a new friend but not so nice to find out that I could be replaced so easily. I then proceeded to scan the rest of the students and spotted Ben with his friends and Doug laughing as one of them did something stupid. Then I spotted Erik and Trixie being lovey dovey toward each other.

I was the only one unhappy…

I got to my feet and let the day drag me along from class to class until it was finished.

The days flew by and I skipped school on the days of the fun before the dance but I had Page’s permission since I was going to the dance. Soon enough it was the day before the dance. Ben was with friends, Page was with Steve, and I was all alone, thinking of doing something drastic.

After weighing the pros and cons I decided to do it. I grabbed my wallet and left on my bike. After a few minutes of heavily pedaling, I was there; at the cheap salon. This salon was rumored to have rats so I knew no one from my school would be there.

Entering the place, I took a look around. It looked like a pretty decent place. I stood at the appointment desk waiting for some service. After a moment a lady came out looking preoccupied. She didn’t notice me at first so I cleared my throat. The woman looked up, shock clear on her face since she had a customer.

I smiled kindly and gave her my prewritten note. It said-

I would like to get my nails done and my hair died for a prom. I would also like to schedule an appointment to get my hair done tomorrow if you’re not booked. Pardon my lack of speech; I’m a mute.

She broke out into a smile then. “Well I’ll be darned.” She whispered to herself. “Right this way ma’am.” She said to me now. “We can do your nails done first.”

She led me to a seat and handed me a magazine. “You can look at hair colors while I do your toes.” I felt awkward letting a stranger touch my feet but I sucked it up and flipped through the magazine for the right color. Eventually I found one identical to the hair color I used to have. With a triumphant smile I showed her.

“Oh that one? The natural red. It’s a beauty isn’t it?” I nodded and she proceeded to do my nails. After 15 minutes I had a French manicure and pedicure. It looked nice.

“Now let die that black hair of yours.” She said in her country voice. I followed her and sat in another chair. “Are you sure about this darling? You look a little queasy.” I nodded and leaned my head back for her to wash my hair.

I kept my eyes closed until she announced it was finished and then for a second longer. Finally I pried my eyes open and looked into the mirror she was holding up. I was a redhead. I looked just like I used to in the good ole days. My eyes welled up in tears then and she looked horrified.

“Oh! I’m so sorry!” She panicked. I shook my head until I could bite back the tears and smile.

‘I love it.’ I mouthed.

“Oh thank god! Girl you just about gave me a heart attack!” I smiled and she returned it happily. After paying her I headed out, promising I’d be back tomorrow.

Once I was out onto the streets again it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of me. With the sun shining in my red hair it felt like I’d stepped out of the darkness and into the light. There were still things that had to be done but I’d taken a huge step that day.

I went home with a smile and scared Page in the kitchen with my new color. “Is it real?” She questioned. I nodded but she still pulled my hair before she would believe me. Steve and Ben both loved my hair, especially since they knew I was a natural redhead.

I think they knew I was getting better. They knew that there was something inside me making me forget about the past and move on to the future. I hoped to god that they all knew I would be happy again soon. Soon it would all be over.

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