Chapter 18

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We stood there frozen as the footsteps steadily got closer. Then suddenly as if someone flipped the on switch we started looking for places to hide. We quickly ruled out the bathroom and closet as possible hiding places and rolled under the bed in the nick of time.

We watched Trixie and Erik walk in through the see through bed-skirt.

“Tell me again why you have to pick out my clothes.” Erik mumbled plopping down on the side of the bed.

“Don’t crumple my dress!” She screeched.

“I’m not!” Erik said jumping back up and leaning against a wall instead.

“Anyway if I didn’t tell you what to wear then you’d show up in suspenders.”

“No I wouldn’t!” Erik protested looking highly offended.

“Well I know you’d show up in something cheap and ugly when we need to look good together.” She said casually whilst rummaging in her closet.

“I’m not wearing a pink shirt to match your dress.” He said eyeing the dress skeptically.

She sighed dramatically. “Fine.” She chucked some clothes at him and grabbed her dress. “I’ll dress in this bathroom and you can dress in the other one.”

My mouth gaped in shock. “She has two bathrooms in her room?”

Rebecca nodded and signaled for me to shut up. They went into the bathrooms and we rolled out quickly. I ran for the door but she grabbed my arm.

“It squeaks really loud.” She explained.

“How are we gonna get out then?” I panicked, my breathing speeding up.

“Relax.” She said opening a window with one hand. I saw a pink book in her hand and was just about to ask about it when she pushed me out the window. A small frightened squeak left my mouth as I desperately grasped at air until my hand came in contact with the lattice.

I grasped it tightly with both hands and my body came to an abrupt halt. After putting my feet in the holes I angrily looked up at her. “Not funny!” I said but she wasn’t laughing.

“Hurry and get down!” She said looking panicky.

“Why?” I asked.

“Just hurry before you’re seen!” I rolled my eyes at her before looking down to gauge the distance to the ground. I gasped when I saw a blond hairy ball of hair on the ground. Hesitantly, I put my hand on my head and felt the hairnet.

“Dang!” I yelled quickly climbing down. I jumped the last bit and slapped the wig back on my head.

Rebecca jumped down a few moments later and pulled a leaf out of my fake hair.

“Let’s skedaddle.” She said grabbing my arm. I complied with her wishes and we ran next door and into my house. After slamming the door behind us we heard laughter echoing through the house.

We took a moment to catch our breath before following the source to the living room. There Page was sitting on the couch with a bowl of popcorn on her lap. I walked further into the room and looked at the TV.

It was off.

I frowned and Page started clapping. “Good show!” She laughed. “and when the wig fell off! That was epic!”

I blushed and Rebecca started to chuckle along with her. I fiddled with the hem of my shirt and waited until they finally stopped.

“So you were spying on us?” Becca asked sounding amused.

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