Chapter 2 -

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Jane's POV

I'm getting nervous about these students. Doesn't mean I'm weak and they're rich they can hurt me. It was class dismissed and I'm on the canteen table eating cause I don't have time eating this cake during break time.

Then suddenly those two girls went near me.

"You think you're pretty? Ha! Eww. Can't believe you begged for Jerald to help you. Pfsh" The girl with a long brown hair with alot of lipstick told me. Is wearing makeup here available?

"Yeah! You're a little brat! You think he'll like you! Eww! He's only ours! He will never like a girl like you! Hahaha!" This girl with a black short hair told me laughing.

Then suddenly they left. Thank God. As I was going to continue eating my cake I saw this four guys and there's the one guy who helped me. Then everyone went near them.

And then I put my sight back on my cake and then a ball hit my head and my face was on the slice of cake.

"Oops sorry! Hahah" Those two idiots laughed and apologized sarcastically.

Jerald's POV

As I heard those two idiots laughing I turn my head and stopped while I saw the again but this time Her face was on the cake. I look after the ball and pick it up. They stopped laughing and I saw a name on the ball.

I went near the girl and checked her face. She was crying again. I got my temper again. I went towards those two girls and look into their eyes deeply.

*Sigh* I heared Minyuk.

"HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO WARN YOU!? HUH!? BULLYING IN THIS SCHOOL IS NOT ALLOWED! YOU WANT TO GET KICKED OUT OF THIS SCHOOL!? IF YOU DONT WANT KEEP YOUR DAMN HANDS AWAY FROM HER!" I yelled while the both of them was embarrassed. God I hate when I saw her crying. Is this it? Did I found her already? Impossible...

"S-sorry" They both apologize and bowed after me. *Sigh* I went back to that girl and gave her my handkerchief. "Here take this. You'll need it" I told her as she took the handerkercheif and wipe it on her eyes. As she opened her eyes again I drooled.

"Ahem" Ian coughed sarcastically while I saw his face with a smirk on it.

I walk back near them. "Come on, let's go on" I told them and they all nodded and we all headed to the hallways and I hold the rope inside the bell and wiggled it. Every student headed it and rushed towards us.

"We're having a party this weekend and everyone's invited" I announced as everyone cheered. Never thought if this girl would not come.

We all smiled and walked away. Dammit I hate this feeling.

"Dude" Nidan called my attention. I faced him with my serious face.

"Ye?" I asked.

"Do you like that girl?" Nidan asked as my eyes widened.

"W-what girl?" I asked with my tone breakable.

"You know, the "new girl"" Nidan said as he makes his both fingers into a quotation sign as he says the new girl.

"W-what about it? You don't care" I said as I looked at the distance again.

"Dude rules are rules. You can't fall in love with a human. It's against the rule" Minyuk told me as I bite my lips and closed my eyes real gently.

"Shush you don't care, I don't f*ck with rules anyways" I told them one more time and left.

At the Party

Everyone's here but the girl ain't here yet. I was walking around and looking the door every second.

"Dude calm down. She'll be here soon" Ian said as he handed me a glass with wine.

"Aishh" I mumbled and take the glass and swallowed it immidiatley.

As I heard the door opened me and my members look after the girl or the boy who came in. As we saw the person who came in it was the beautiful girl. I drooled once again dammit. She's so pretty her hair her dress her face...her...LIPS.

"Damn she's pretty" Ian said as he was checking her out.

"I wonder if she'll like me" Minyuk said. You want a brofist on your face!?

"I'll offer her to dance with me" Nidan said.

"Aish shut up" I told them and they all smirked at me.

"Well well, look who's in love. Go on make a move" Ian said as he pushed me with his one hand.

"Go on" Minyuk said as he smirked.

I went near her and gave her one glass of wine.

"Thanks" She said as she take the glass. I sat beside her drinking my glass.

"So, I'm Jerald" I said real awkward.

"Jane, Nice to meet you" She said. I can sense that she has that cheerful tone.

"Nice to meet you to" I said back.

"Thanks for everything" She thanked me as I look at her which she is already looking at me.

"Oh, That's nothing" I said as I look back at my friend who was thumbing up at me.


Hey guys! Finally Chapter 2 is it a little bit rushed? If it is, I'm sorry. I'm just used to it but I'll try my best. Let's go on with the chapter 3!


A Wolf who Fell inloveWhere stories live. Discover now