Chapter 3

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4 moons later

Whitekit walked, no. Stumbled, out of the nursery. She sniffed the air to make sure her mother wasn't standing by and began to run. It was her first time being outside because she isn't aloud to because of her blind eyes.

"Haha! I am finally-"
She then accidentally rammed right into one of the warriors, Fallenflight.

"Hey! Watch where yo-" The light brown tom looked down at the kit. "Whitekit?"

"Yeah! That's me!" She looked up at the tom and stood tall and proud. A warrior just said her name!

"It's me, Fallenflight, your father!" He purred licking the kits head.

Whitekit had never heard his father talk. She also never got to smell his scent. The white kitten tilted her head, "father?" She smiled and sniffed the air.

"Yeah." Fallenflight smiled.

"Cooool!" She smiled, showing her teeth, "well, goodbye!" She trotted away.

Fallenflight sighed before quickly jumping up, "hey hey hey!" He hissed before running to grab his daughter gently around the extra fur on the neck. 

Whitekit hissed and began to squirm, "let me go you mouse brain!" She clawed him in the face, making him bleed.

He hissed silently, "your not supposed to be wandering around by yourself."

She stopped squirming, "I know, but I really want to!"

"Well too bad." He sighed, beginning to walk towards the nursery.

He flattened his ears and dropped her gently in the nursery. "This little furball decided to sneak o-"

Shiverstar and Mistywing were sitting down, talking to each other. They turned their heads to look at Fallenflight.

"Hello, you two." Shiverstar smiled. "We were just chatting about how the kits should become apprentices by now."

Whitekit gasped and her white eyes widened, "really?!" She jumped up and began to run around the three cats happily.

All three cats looked at each other and sighed. Mistywing looked down at the young kit, "Whitekit. You're not going to be a warrior."

Winterkit stopped running and gasped quietly. Her ears slowly laid back on the top of her head and she began to hiss, "That's not fair! I am going to be a warrior no matter what!"

Shiverstar sighed, "I am sorry Whitekit. But it's a great risk. And we can't have any cat in danger."

Whitekit sighed, "can you at least give me a chance?! If it doesn't work out, t-then maybe I can be a medicine cat..." Whitekit quietly meowed, "please."

The white she-cat leader looked over at Whitekit's parents. "She's very determined. The problem is, is that that would waste time."

Fallenflight sighed, "is there any way we could?"

Shiverstar sighed, then smiled, "I could if you would like. Up have a lot of extra time on my paws."

Mistywing smiled, "I like that idea!"

Shiverstar smiled. "well then it's settled."

Whitekit smiled and sat proudly. She was going to be a warrior.

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