Chapter 2

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Two weeks later

"Mama, when is she gonna open her eyes?!" Eaglekit mewed, kind of annoyed.

"Winterkit will open them soon, just be patient!" The gray queen licked the tiny, white kit on the head.

Eaglekit sighed and rolled onto his back. "But that will take to looong..." he sighed and stared at his paws which were sticking up.

"You sure about that?" Mistywing grinned, "it looks like she already did..."

Littlekit, who was listening to their conversation, jumped up, "really!?"

Eaglekit quickly jumped up also and ran over to Minnowkit, who was fast asleep, and tackled him. Minnowkit hissed at his brother, "HEY! You clumsy mouse! Watch where your going!"

Eaglekit ignored the mean insult, "Minnowkit! Whitekit opened her eyes!"

The gray kit had seemed to forget what his brother had done and ran over to Whitekit. The three kits stared at Whitekit, who had her eyes open.

"Uh..." Whitekit stood up slowly, "where are you guys?!"
Eaglekit, Minnowkit, and Littlekit all stared at each other.

"Uh... right here..." Littlekit mewed, and then smiled. "Haha! Funny joke!"

Mistywing smiled, not thinking anything was the matter, "you just opened them, so it may be hard to see."

She licked the kit once more on top of the head, "How about you four go play outside! Maybe they will adjust in the sun!" Mistywing didn't even see that Whitekits eyes were completely white. She just assumed that they were a normal color.

Eaglekit's eyes lit up, "yeah!" He quickly raced out of the den.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Littlekit followed after him.

"Come on Whitekit!" Minnowkit smiled before chasing after the two kits.

"Okay!" Whitekit smiled before running the complete opposite way of the opening of the den, and ran right into the den wall, "ouch!" She mewed, tumbling backwards.

Mistywing stood up quickly to help her kit up, "Whitekit, are you crazy? You can't go through wa-" the queen immediately shut up and stared into the kit's eyes with horror.

"Dear Starclan..." She whispered under her breath, before picking up the white kit and zooming out of the nursery.

She ran to the den known as the medicine cats den and quickly went in.

"Heartpool!" She dropped Whitekit gently on a nest made of sparrow feathers and brush. "I need to speak with you! It's an emergency!"

After a moment, a tan colored she-cat walked over to Mistywing. "Yes? What's wrong?"

Mistywing looked down at Whitekit, then back at Heartpool, "look at her eyes."

Heartpool looked down at the kit and stared into her eyes. There was a silent gasp, before she sat back up and sighed.
"She's blind."

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