Chapter 5

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Winterpaw opened her eyes and stood up. She stretched while yawning. It had been at least 3 moons since her naming ceremony and she had grown amazingly in her training. She slowly padded out of the den and sat at the fresh kill pile, waiting for Crystalstar, her mentor, to go hunting with her. She decided to grab a bite to eat before she left. She picked up a nice and juicy fish and gulped it down.

"Well, you were hungry..." A voice called out and the white apprentice's ears perked up.

She smirked before standing up, "so, Crystalstar, ready to go?!" Winterpaw smiled.

The leader smiled and laughed before nodding her head and walking with Winterpaw outside of camp. Crystalstar stopped walking when she saw a mouse scurry across their path. She waited to see if Winterpaw had noticed. She stayed quiet. Winterpaw sniffed the air and stopped. Her ears moved around until she caught the scent and she heard the mouse. She immediately crouched down into a hunting position and creeped up to the mouse, who was currently chewing on a berry that had fallen off a blueberry bush. Winterpaw thought to herself while grinning, 'I got you now...'
Then, she pounced and grabbed the mouse in her jaws, and before it could even make a sound, she bit it, instantly killing it.

Crystalstar walked up to her apprentice and purred while smiling, "Good work Winterpaw! You know, I was wrong about you... You really are going to make a good warrior!"

Winterpaw's blind eyes lit up and she smiled, "really?! You think so?!" She dropped her prey beside her.

Crystalstar smiled, her almost violet eyes lighting up, "I know so."

The two cats sat in silence before Winterpaw froze and her ears perked up. Crystalstar watched her and her eyes widened, "what is it?"

Winterpaw ignored her and turned her head to face some bushes. Her white eyes widened and she whispered, "Shadowclan."

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