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So....I feel like I have some explaining to do. 

I'm really sorry there was no TC2G chapter out this week, a combination of mandatory school events, little sister's volleyball games, homework, and writer's block is kicking my butt. 

I'm suffering through writer's block this week, and I don't want to risk wrecking the next chapter because there's going to be an event in it that's extremely important to the story and if I mess that up thanks to rushing trying to get through writer's block, I could end up ruining the whole story and I don't want to do that :/. 

Also, I'm sorry there have been no streams recently. My family's been busy the past few Saturdays, although this Saturday we don't have any plans as of right now, so I'm hoping to get a stream in! :) 

I'm also experiencing a real-life social life for the first time thanks to my new school, which is both awesome and terrifying at the same time. I have a bunch of awesome IRL friends, and...

I have a boyfriend. 

It's really weird to think that I have a boyfriend, but his name is James and he's the sweetest guy ever. Not only that, but he's a fanboy for things like Supernatural, Fall Out By, etc.  I FOUND A FANBOY, GUYS. THEY ACTUALLY EXIST. I KNOW, RIGHT? 

What's even weirder is he has the same last name as me. I SWEAR WE AREN'T RELATED IN ANY WAY I MAY LIVE IN THE COUNTRY BUT I'M NOT THAT COUNTRY I PROMISE XD 

There's a picture of him up there ^^^^^ we're normal I swear

So anyways guys, those are some updates, I hope I'll get rid of this writer's block in time for a new chapter next week and expect a stream on Saturday! WOOT! :D 

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