Okay, so you may notice that there's no TC2G chapter out today.
Before I say anything else, DO NOT PANIC. TC2G is NOT ending, I'm NOT deleting it, nothing crazy is happening that involves me never finishing TC2G.
Here IS what's happening:
I am going to be taking a break from writing the story, and after next week, I'm also taking a break from YouTube.
Here's why:
I have hit a bit of a road block in TC2G. I planned the story up to a certain point, and I've kind of hit that certain point. I want to give myself time to figure out where exactly I want to go next, and plan it out instead of winging it, because if I wing it, the story will end up being another jumbled mess with three million plot holes like the last two books were (at least in my eyes) and I don't want that.
I want this book to be exactly what I want it to be, and I don't want to ruin it by forcing myself to rush through it to keep up with dates. I want it to be a good story for you guys to read.
Also, now that I'm going to a special arts school where writing literally takes up about 50% of my day, I'm kind of burnt out by the end of the day, and sometimes the last thing I want to do is open up my computer and write some more (even though I love writing and I love you guys and want to be able to give you more of the story).
That said, I have been burning myself out between school, Wattpad, and five YouTube videos a week. So far this school year, my schedule has been on school days: come home, do homework, see if you can write for Wattpad, and then stay up until midnight or later to keep up with YouTube subscriptions so that I don't miss out on any new fandom bits. And then my weekends are filming, editing, and drawing for the week's videos.
Now, don't get me wrong: I love making YouTube videos for you guys, I love writing this story for you guys, and I absolutely adore my new school. But I am burning myself out. I am losing my inspiration to do both YouTube and Wattpad because the stress is keeping me from having fun with it.
That said, I'm giving myself a break to just cool down for a bit and to let myself relac so that when I do come back, I can be excited to come back with the new ideas that I'll definitely be having for the story and renewed passion for both my YouTube and my Wattpad.
Now, if you're scared about me leaving you for around a month, don't be! I am in no way leaving you guys alone for a month. I'm not gonna leave you guys for good, I promise.
Here's what will still be occuring:
-I will occasionally be updating this book, Stuff Just Stuff, just to keep you guys updated on what's going on and how my life's going.
-I will still be streaming on Saturdays if I can (check my Wattpad Conversations board on Saturdays around seven PM to see if I am doing a stream that week)
-I will continue to be active on my Twitter, so go follow me over there if you want to (My Twitter name is @PossiblyAwesom )
-I will still be on Wattpad to reply to your conversation board messages, comments, and inboxes. I'm just taking a break from actually creating content.
So yeah, I am in no way abandoning you guys. I'm just taking a break so I don't implode from stress.
I will be back with a new chapter of TC2G, and YouTube videos will be starting up again in the first week of January after this week!
I hope you guys are cool with this, please don't think that I don't love you guys or I'm leaving you, I'm just a little scared for my own mental health if I don't give myself a break.
I think that's all I have to say! Stay strong while I'm gone (hey that can apply literally here)! BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYE ALL MY CHOCOLATE CHIPS!
Stuff. Just Stuff.
AcakRandom stuff, serious stuff, quizzes, and ALL DOSE COOKIEHS!!! Yep....