The Fear of Nothing

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"Veigy, my legs are tired, can we please take a break?!"

Lulu's feet were killing her, this led to her paste slowing down and Veigar's patience with her thinning, but she couldn't help but to complain.

"Your blabbering is only making things worst for you in the department of leaving you where you stand woman!" Veigar was in front of Lulu, but she could sense that he wasn't in the best of moods. Pix was resting on Lulu hat, his dark purple wings covering his face. Veigar was the only company she had.

They were on a trail to Noxus. They occasionally ran into weary travelers. There was an moment where one traveler caught glimpse of the two little Yordles and attempted to pet them. Lulu took her hat off but Veigar let out a growl. The man called him cute; that caught him a spark to the nose and sent running.

"Veigy please, the day's fading and it seems like a storm is approaching." Dark gray clouds started to form in the sky a while ago, and thunder began to sound off in the distance.

Veigar stopped and looked back at Lulu, his eyes where squinted. "I already have knowledge of this, we have to hurry to some type of Inn, and we must sleep in separate room, I refuse to sleep with a child, let alone you." Those words hit the soft spot.

"I'm not a child! And if anything I'm ages older than you!" Lulu and Veigar's faces were practically touching. Her lips were sticking out and her cheeks were puffed. Veigar's eyes were widened with suprise but he collected himself and pushed her face out of his. "Your presence is such an ANNOYANCE!"

Veigar wobbled off. His hat slightly hopped off his head with each step. Lulu couldn't help but to laugh at the little Yordles sad attempt of a run. She giggled and skipped after him. When she caught up to him she took his arm in hers.

"I thought you said your feet were sore?" Veigar stated confused. Lulu looked down at her feet, "Not anymore". Veigar sweat dropped, "You make no sense..." Lulu disregarded what he said. "Your arms in mine..." Veigar hadn't noticed her small sleeve covered arm around his. She pulled his arm from her grasp. "UNHAND ME, YOU-YOU," Lulu smiled "You what?" Lulu said flirtatiously. "YOU..... ARRRGH JUST LEAVE ME BE!"

Veigar hobbled off leaving Lulu behind. When she began to walk after him a loud boom of thunder went off. Veigar jumped and walked slowly back to Lulu. "You ok?" She asked concerned. Veigar was looking around, "Yes, yes, let's just find shelter, ASAP."

Lulu and Veigar found a little cave to take shelter from the storm in. Some rain crept in and the occasional big water droplet would fall into a puddle at the entrance of the cave. Lulu was Huddled up next to Veigar, to her surprise though he didn't move, at all.

"Veigar are you ok?" He didnt answer Lulu. Veigar just sat there with his eyes staring out into the world outside the cave. Lulu turned her head to see what he could be looking at, but all she seen was forest and the heavy falling of rain.

She then took her hat off and rubbed her head on Veigars shoulder, "Veigaaaar! Whats da matter?"



Veigar tensed up and pulled his legs to his chest. He closed his eyes shut and after pulling his legs to his chest he covered his ears.

Lulu raised an eyebrow at Veigar's sudden drawback at the sound of thunder. She looked at Pix, the little fairy just shrugged his shoulders. Lulu put a hand on Veigar's shoulder.


This one made Lulu flinch, but Veigar grabbed Lulu's little hand in his. Lulu crawled toward him and sat down in front of him.

"Don't be afraid Veigar, it's thunder, it can't get you." Veigar still didn't respond. He just sat there, shaking. Water dripped from his soaked fur and clothing.

Lulu's lips formed a warm smile and she sat there with her hand in his comforting him from the dangers of nothing.

Unforsaken Love (Veigar X Lulu)Where stories live. Discover now