Veigar and Lulu vs The Brothers

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"What do you think you're doing?!" Veigar shouted. His eyes began to glow yellow again. "It was the only thing to do, you would have died!" "I can handle myself woman! I didnt need help, let alone yours!" Lulu shook her head.

"Well too bad cause I'm here and I'm not gonna just sit idly by when my friend is getting beat to death!"

"Hahahahha this is honestly the most amusing thing ever, two yordles arguing, I wish could keep them to entertain me all day!"

Draven was laughing so hard that spit flew from his mouth. He threw his head back and held his stomach. Darius watched his little brother laugh unamused.

"You find pleasure in the most impractical things Draven." Darius rubbed his temples.

"The yordles existence is impractical, look at them!" Draven pointed a dirty finger at Veigar. Veigar growled. "You dare mock me?!" Veigar raised his hand toward the sky. A purple, hazy mist formed around it

"Ill give you somthing to laugh about, Noxian scum!" A purple ball shot at Draven at incredible speeds. Darius batted it away. The blade of his ax smoked from the heat of the blast.

"This one has quite the temper." Darius scoffed. "I could grow to like him." Darius was hit in the head by a ball of pixy dust. He slowly turned his head to see Lulu pointing her staff at him. She was smiling.

"Its a shame that he already has a companion." Darius grinned, he smile carried malice. "Is that so? Well then, I guess your heads can go on the same pike."

Draven sprinted toward Lulu while his brother unscrupulously swung his ax at Veigar. "Blast!" Veigar couldn't react fast enough. He threw his armored hand up. A sicking "crunch" sounded in the air. Veigar fell to one knee.

"You son of a-"

Darius kneed the little yordle square in the face and sent him tumbling in the dirt. Lulu screamed his name as she clashed with Draven. She hopped side to side as Draven threw his ax's, each connecting with the soft earth.

"Your quite the experienced little shit huh?" Draven spat as Lulu clocked him in his left knee macking him stumble.

Lulu grinned, her green eyes illuminated. "Just used to dealing with baddies like you."

"Is that so?" Draven asked.

Veigar was collecting himself from the knee he just took. His mouth tasted like metal from the blood that filled it, and his hand burning vigorously.

Veigar spat.

"Is that the best you can do, Heart Eater?" He straighted his hat. "Heh, not even close boy."

"Then come on," Veigar got to his feet. His hand was shaking. "Show me what the fuss is all about."

"As you wish." Darius tightened his grip on his ax and ran for Veigar. Veigar thrusted both hands in the air, his dark purple robes began to rise. "Primordial-"

Veigar's concentration was cut off by Lulu's scream. His attention shot to her. She was lying on the ground, her purple hair soaked with mud, her hat, penetrated with the ax of the executioner.

"Well done brother." Darius congratulated. "All in a days work big bro." Draven wore a sickening smile over his face.

Lulu's emerald eyes were closed. One of them bruised shut.

Veigar erupted in a beam of darkness.

Authors Note: Not as soon as I'd hope due to not having access to Wattpad for a short time but here it is! Hope you enjoy!

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