Promise Me

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Veigar opened his eyes to the sun rays sneaking their way into the cave. He had a rank taste in his mouth and his joints ached. His left arm was also slighty heavy.

He looked down to see Lulu resting her head on his chest. Her purple curls covered her whole body like a purple blanket. Her breathing was steady and her nose twitched a little here and there. Veigar shook her little not to scare her when he awoke her.

"Psst, Lulu." He pushed a little, no response.

"Hrrrrrmmm Lulu!" The little she yordle dug her head in his side hiding her face. She growled a little. THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!! Veigar thought to himself.

Veigar attempted to slide his little butt to the right but Lulu had him like a Golden Eagle had its prey in its talons, there was no escape.


Two hours passed before Lulu woke up. She opened her eyes to Veigar looking down at her, she couldn't help but blush.

"Were you watching me sleep?!" She hopped out of Veigar's lap and was tapping on the ground looking for her hat.

Veigar cracked his neck and rolled it around with his hand "Of course not you bafoon. Why would I waste my time observing a creature such as yourself. My standards are high and I refuse to waste my time with such childish conformity. I, the almighty VEIGAR only has time for- Lulu?"

Lulu was outside the cave stretching. She obviously didn't care for Veigar's bikering. She adjusted her dress and shook her hair around.

"WOMAN!" Veigar shouted with much anger. He exited the cave doing a alley cat hop.

Lulu just glanced at him and walked away with her head pointing toward the sky.


Veigar stopped mid crouch and looked at Lulu with confused eyes. He got out of his silly cat like stance and patted off his dark purple robes.

The mud under his feet was painfully muddy, and when he walked he couldn't help but limp. He looked to Lulu and called to her. "Lulu, slow down."

She ignored him.

Veigar started getting impatient, and his stubby misshaped legs didn't help him much. He picked up his pace, no matter how painful it might have been.

"Lulu! Decrease the speed at which you walk woman!"

Pix looked back and, his eyes were sentimental. He looked to Lulu but he also received silence.


Veigar lost his footing and fell face first in a puddle of mud. He could taste wet earth and a mixture of other things. His anger was getting the best of him. He clenched his fist and dug into the ground.

"Promise me something."

He looked up to see Lulu sitting on her staff, levitating. She was looking at him with a straight face and her eyes... Pix was just flying around her giving her a more eerie appearance. Those eyes were looking into his very being

Don't look at me

He turned his head away from her. "I don't make promises." Veigar still laid there in the mud. His robes began to get very soaked.

"Look at you, what are you even after Veigar." Lulu questioned her small companion with caring eyes. Veigar still couldn't keep her gaze. How dare she ask me that?! I don't have to answer to her!

"My trifles don't concern you, so keep your nose where it doesn't belong."

Lulu just smiled. She reached a hand out to him and said. "Promise me you won't change."
Veigar looked at her. He kept her emerald gaze in his topaz one.

"What?" He scrunched up his face.

"Don't change, remain who you are, that's what I want you to promise to me Veigy."

Veigar just looked at her. He grabbed her hand and collected himself.

"So is that a yes?" Lulu couldn't hold back her excitement.

"I don't make promises." With that, he walked past her, dripping muddy water. His hat was in his hand. Lulu snatched from his grasp, put it on. Her character became that of a bubbly child.

"For me?!" She asked in his face.

Veigar looked at her a little embraced. She was too close.


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