One Day ~ Emblem3 Fan Fiction

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(So, do you guys remember my other fanfic? You know 'One Day' I delated that one. Everyone said I should re write it. So, I guess I am but this one will be much better I promise!)


{Sammy's POV}

Haha, great another day of a boring school. With the crazy popular kid Wesley.

Wesley Stromberg is the most popular kid in the hole high school. Everyone loves him, but not be he is just another guy full of himself. Like every guy in this school. But I know someday I'm going to get out of this dump and maybe go back to New York! I miss my home...

"Hey, Sammy!" Wesley said smiling.

"Hi Wes." I said rolling my eyes.

"Don't, be like that Sammy!" Wes said picking up me chin looking me in the eyes.

I turned my face and ran away.

"Sammy! Wait!" Wesley, pleaded.

I ran outside and grabbed my skate board.

I was about to leave then I remembered it was fifth period I had to go to English class.

I turn my head and look at the school and start walking up the stairs. As I was walking I was thinking why, would I go back in there? I turn back and grabbed my skate board and left.

As I riding my skate board I was singing this awesome song 'Want U Back' it's the best song in the world! I always jam out to it.

"I Want You Back Want Want You Back. I broke it off thinking you be crying now I feel shh-"

"Looking at you flying!" I heard a familer voice said.

I turn around and I see Wes.


"No, need to be scared! It's me Wesley!"

"Can you just leave me alone!"

"Haha, I just wanted to ask you something."

"And what would that be?" I asked putting my hand on my hip.

"Im going to audition for the XFactor and I heard you signed up."

"Who told you that?!"


"Emily?! God I hate her."

"Hey, no hate love!" Wesley said hugging me. I pushed him away.

"Just get on with it Wes!"

"Alright, sorry do you wanna to with us?" Wesley said holding me hand.

"Sigh. Fine."

"Yay!" Wesley cheered like a child.

"Alright I'm going home." I said

"But, what about class?" Wesley asked.

"Oh, god your right come on." I said walking.

Wesley walked right next to me to class.


We finally got to the school.

"Okay, Wesley you can leave now." I said pushing him away.

"Alright, but if you need anything I'm in the same class okay?" Wesley, said smirking.

I rolled my eyes and went in class.


{After School}


I heard the bell rang I was so happy I grabbed my bag and skate board as fast i can and ran off.

I was riding my skate with my ear phones on to my house. It's a little apartment. Really cheesie it's small and I live with six sisters in it! And four brothers! I walk into my house and open the door I see my brother Jake, run up to me and hug me. I hugged him back and picked him up.

"Hey, boy!"

"Hey, Sammy."

"Did you eat?" I walk into the kitchen and get the pancakes.

"Ally! Rosie! Johnny! Kate! Ricky! Madison! Brooke! Lexie! Ryan! Get down here!" I shouted.

"What's wrong?" Ally asked.

"Do you guys want pancakes?"

"Yes! Finally!!" Jake replied.

"Where's mom?"

"At the Hospital."

My mom is a nurse she works at the hospital for about 24 hours a day!

My farther passed away about two years ago. So it's been hard for us.

"Rosie!" I shouted.


"Listen I know your talking to your boyfriend. But, I can't cook with a baby in my hand!"

"Urg! Fine!"

Rosie is 18 she is the oldest. And the most annoying.

I got a pan and got the pancake mix and started cooking. I heard my phone rang hoping it wasn't Wesley, or anyone in my school.

"Ally! Can you get my phone?"

"Here you go."



{On The Phone}


"Hello?" I asked.

"Uh, hi is the Sammy? Roberts?"

"Yes, it is. May I ask who is this?"

"It's Wesley Stromberg from your school!"

I roll my eyes.

"What's up."

"Since we are both auditioning tomorrow I wanted to ask do you wanna come with me and Drew, Keaton?"

"Alright pick me up at four okay?"

"Alright see you there!"


{Hangs Up Phone}


"Who was that?" Ricky asked.

"A stupid guy." I replied. Putting the pancakes on the table.

"Hey! Crazys! Come eat!!" I shouted.

"Give me a second!" Rosie shouted.

"Get your butt off the phone! Kyle can wait!!"

(Kyle is her boyfriend they are both annoying.)


After we all finished eating I putted everyone in bed.

I get in bed and just thinking about tomorrow makes me happy but, mad at the same time. I'm going with Wesley Stromberg my Enemy. Sigh. I just hope I could get Through! It would make my life!


(Yeah! So we are ending it like that. Sorry that it sucks :(

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