Chapter Fifthteen ~ The End

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((AN: We, have finally reached the last chapter well till the Epilogue, I wanna thank everyone who supported me on thus fan fiction thank you so much I love you all.))


{Two Months Later}


In two months a lot has happened, the boys got signed with Simon my album came out today! I'm doing a album signing too! I couldn't be more happy.

"Sammy!' A odd voice shouted, I turn my head over my shoulder I see a Familiar girl I don't know what her name was I couldn't put mt finger on it...

"Uh, hi?" I said awkwardly.

"You don't remember me?"

"I I I'm sorry I I don't." I Stuttered.

"IT'S ME EMILY! We used to go to school together!" I roll my eyes Emily was the girl always thinks that she's better then everyone.

"So, I heard you know a lot of Celebrities would you mind showing me to them?' She said smiling I roll my eyes,

"You, know not even five months ago you hated me and now, you want me to show you to celebrities? HA! Maybe if you we're nicer to me I would have to!" I turn my back and walk away, Some people these days....

"Sammy, we gotta go!" He shouted "Coming!" I got all my belongings and went in the car,

It's been a full day for me really, I got to do a lot but it's better then staying at home with three excited dogs... Well one is my boyfriend... BUT STILL! We got to the mall as I bumped into somebody "I am so sorry!" I pleaded, "No, it's okay girl!" Her voice sounded so familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it as always. "Girl it's me Ana!" "Ana?!" I thought to myself Ana, is the Queen Bee of the school, aka a bitch. She always gets mad and say she has 'bigger' boobs then everybody... I don't know she's weird. "So, why you headed to the mall?" She asked. "I'm going to my album signing!"

"Album signing?" She said laughing. "Like you have a album let me guess you got a boyfriend too?" "Well... Yes." He eyes popped out of her head. "AND WHOS THE BOY?"

"He's from that band... You know Emblem3 his name is Wesley..." I said awkwardly.

"YOU ARE DATING HIM?! WHAT-HOW?!" She was freaking out I wanted to laugh so bad but I couldn't. "WELL I GOTTA TALK LATER SEE YA!" I shouted as I turned away. She was so upset but I really, didn't care after a while I was really done with people from School.

I got in the mall and sat down in the nearest seat. "Hey, Sammy I found your phone." Josh said. "Wait, how did you find my phone?"

"Well it fell out of your pocket so I picked it up..."

Hmm isn't really a answer I can believe but whatever I guess. I'm kinda nervous to see Wesley after the album signing, but happy at the same time I don't know I guess that's the way I always feel, sometimes he just annoys the hell out of me, but I know right when he comes here with Keaton, and Drew girls are gonna scream their lungs out.

"Sammy!" A familiar voice shouted, I turn my head over my shoulder it's Drew.


"You excited?" Drew asked.

"Eh kinda" I said with a small chuckle.

"Where's Wes, and Keaton?"

"Wes can't come for some 'reason' he didn't even tell me why, but Keaton is showing up!" I smiled.

"Everytime Keaton is here there is so many screaming girls."

"Tell me about it." Drew said,

"DREW, SAMMY!" Keaton shouted from a far distance.

"WHAT?!" I shouted.

"THERE IS GIRLS BANGING ON, THE DOOR!" Keaton said taking feel breaths, girls must have chased him again. I laughed "WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING?!"

"Because you guys should be used to this already, since the X Factor you been getting chased." I explained.

"Oh, you know... Girls" Keaton said rubbing his back.

"Don't lie you want those 'girls'" I said laughing.

"Don't we all?" Drew said with a small chuckle.

"I gotta to be right back." Keaton, and Drew nodded as I walked away.

I went into the restroom as I went in there was so many thoughts just popped into my head,

'Sammy, you're sick go away.'

'Sammy, no one likes you get you're damn own seat' I close my eyes and remember everything that happened, at school.


I wash my face as I grab a paper towel, I heard a small creak though the door I turn my head it's Ana again. 'Just don't do anything stupid okay!' I told myself,

"I still don't understand how you are dating someone from Emblem3" she started.

"Uh, I don't know how come you always dated the football players?" I asked.

"BECAUSE I WAS A CHEERLEADER AND I HAVE BOOBS!" She shouted storming out...

Okay, um that was weird. No wonder I didn't have friends in school....

I lefted the bathroom I look straight I see Wesley is here pretty shocked he showed up him and the guys are doing a interview and Wesley is being cocky... As always.

"Sammy, can we do a quick interview?" The lady asked.

"Uh yeah sure!" I replied.

"So, do you like how the album?" She started.

"Yes, I love it! I love the way it came out everything!"

"But, see I have your album right here with me but is the album called 'Tattooed Heart' ?" She asked.

"Well, the reason is that it is called Tattooed Heart because I have a single called Tattooed Heart, and when I wrote this song I was going though a rough time I was with a jerk, and I wanted to go back when things was normal. Only one time things was normal in my life and I would do anything to go back.... And this boy made things normal for me... He was a bit crazy but I was fine with that, And I didn't want it to be forever all I wanted was to be tattooed on his heart because he was on mine." I smiled as the lady looked at me with no emotion. 'Well okay' I thought to myself. "That's great! I'm here with Sammy Roberts be sure to check out her album!" She was so fake like, why are you even trying? I went back to the table as everyone gets ready.


{After The Album Signing}


I was so happy that everyone was with me at the album signing, " Good job!" Wesley said kissing my forehead. "Thanks."

"Oh, wait I got a surprise for you, come on!" He said grabbing my hand, he took my to the car. "Come on get in!" I got in the car and shut the door behind me, "Dude, where are we going?"

"You will see." He gave me a chessie smirk, I roll my eyes.


{25 Minutes Later}


We was around Venice Beach, Wesley stopped the car finally.

"Wes where are we?"

"Just close your eyes come on." I cover my eyes with my hands as Wesley pushed me somewhere.

"Okay now open!" I open my eyes I see a huge apartment with a upstairs! "THIS HOUSE IS AMAZING DID, YOU BUY IT FOR YOU GUYS?!" "No, I bought it for you." He said smiling I gave him a huge hug, it was so sweet of him to get me a house now I won't need to stay with Drew and Keaton. "Thank you so much!" "Welcome." He said kissing my cheek, "Alright I gotta go back home have fun in you're house!... But not too much fun!" I laughed and waved goodbye.


(((AN: So, this was the final chapter tomorrow I will post the epilogue, I don't know if I want to write a sequel or not so please tell me if I should or not.)))

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