Chapter Seven ~ Somewhere Only We Know

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(AN: So, I am writing on my own PC! Isn't that cool! Haha, anyways I am deadicateing this so my friend. Leala because, I love her and she is awesome! Haha, yeah so, I hope you like this chapter I edited it alot and fixed it and yeah! So, enjoy!))


{Sammy's POV}

'What, have I done.' I groaned and I sat down on the carpet. I hear an creak as someone is opening the door I roll my eyes hoping it's not Wes, 'Come in!" I shouted. Bea, come's in the room 'What's up.' She asked sitting next to me. 'Everything.' 'I didn't ask what's the matter I asked what are you doing.' I started clawing my face another bad habit I have. 'Nothing the matter okay! Nothing happend everything is perfect!' I shouted. I got up and stomped out of the room I see all the backstage workers moving really fast, helping everyone. 'Um, excuse me?" I asked tapping the mans shoulder. 'Yes.' 'Is Emblem3 finished?" I asked. 'Ah, yes they are all in their own dressing rooms.' 'K, Thank you.' I flashed a smile and walked to Wesley's dressing room. 'That, was fast.' I said opening the door. 'Haha, yeah but it was fun.' He replied. I tried to smile but, I'm not very good at fake smiling. 'What's, wrong babe?" Wesley asked. My, eyes popped out. 'Babe?' He chuckled as he put his hand on my hip. 'Yeah, babe.' 'I- I don't remember you calling me babe.' 'Well, now I do since me and you are going out.'

'GOING OUT?!' He let go of my hip. 'Yeah, aren't we going out?" He asked. I turn my head. 'I- I guess, so?' He gave me a chessy grin. 'Haha, alright babe.' He kissed the top of my head as he was walking out of the dressing room.

I didn't think me and him was going out I just thought it was just a little... You know thing. I get awkward thinking of those kind of things. You know... 'Kissing.' And urgh! Stop thinking about it!


{Later That Night.}


I was in the limo listening to music as everyone was giggleing and having fun while I was just by myself. I was listening to 'Somewhere Only We Know.' It's my favorite song. I started singing the song in my head. 'Why won't we go? Tell the world somewhere only we know.' I felted a tear fall from my cheek. 'Why, are you crying?" Wes, asked. me and him was sitting together for once. 'I don't know.' 'It's okay.' He flashed a smile as the car stopped in the parking lott. I opened the door and left the car with all my belongings. 'Hey, Sam you gotta wake up early we got the XFactor party and the second live show.' Keaton said. I nodded and ran upstairs.


I was going to bed then... 'Sammy!' I groaned as I turn back on the light. 'What, Wes?"

'I know, why you was crying!' He was very happy for some reason. 'And, why is that?"

'YOU CRIED BECAUSE OF THE SONG!' I tilt my head just wondering. 'What, the hell is wrong with you.'

I got up from my bed and went to Wes. 'Listen, I wanna go to sleep so... GET OUT OF MY ROOM!' I closed the door on his face. 'Night, Babe.' I flashed a smile and went back to bed.




I hear my alarm clock go off. I really, need to throw this dumb clock out.

I walk down the stairs seeing everyone's family. 'Hey, babe you're up!' I didn't know what to say. he walked next to me and kissed the top of my head. 'Umm.' 'You. gotta get ready now!''

'Oh, right...' I walked up the stairs to get ready for the second live show. I tore out my closet looking for something to wear. "Urgh! What happend to all my clothes?!"

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