Chapter Eight ~ Catch Me

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((AN: I'm so sorry, I haven't update in so long! Like, in years! Haha, anyways I'm so sorry for such a long wait! And also, I'm starting a new fanfic soon! It will my called ""My Calling"" or ""It's Gonna Be Alright"" So, tell me which name for the fanfic! And enjoy, the chapter!))


{Sammy's POV}

"SIR, TURN THE CAR AROUND!" I shouted with tears in my eyes... "HOW MANY TIMES DO I NEED TO TELL YOU, I CAN'T SIT DOWN!" He ordered. I sat down as I wiped tears from my eyes with my thumb. I don't know why, they didnt let me go with them. All in my mind is Wes, I'm worried sick. "Wait... Sir?! If they said I can't go to the place... But, they didn't..."

"Hm, never thought of that! Okay, I'll take you there" he said smiling. I smiled back as his smile turned into a frown. "HAHA IM NOT TAKING YOU!" My smile turned into a frown and then I just got, sick of it I turn to my window and I see the door isn't locked, I turn my head to the officer as I see he dosn't even know I'm here. And, also for some reason I wasn't handcuffed which is good. I open my door slowly as we was still driving. "Hey, what are you doing?!" He shouted. "Busting out!" I jumped put of the car rolling on the road.

I get up, looking at all the signs I was near the Hospital, "Ah, finally!" I said running to the hospital.

I walk in the hospital seeing Drew, Keaton, Camila, Beatrice and all the judges from the XFactoe here. "Sammy?!" Drew, said shockingly. "Ho-how did you get here?!"

"We'll, I jumped out of a car..." I whispered. "YOU JUMPED OUT OF A-" I cutt him off. "Shh! I don't want anyone to know!" "Alright, don't do that again!" I nodded and walked to take a seat.

"Where's, Wes?" I asked Keats. "Oh, he's in the room with the doctors." I got up as I walked to the counter. "Could, I go see Wesley Stromberg please?"

"Sure right this way!" The lady said. I followed her in the room. I go in the room I see Wes in the bed knocked out cold, with scars. "Heyia, Wes." I said sitting next to his bed. "So, I jumped out of a car today..." I said nervously laughing. A tear fell from my eye again I didn't want to cry, I tried to hold it in. "Excuse me lady?" I turn my head over my shoulder. "Wes!" I said cheering I gave him a big hug. "Ow, ow!" I left him go... "Oh, right sorry!"

"It's okay." He smiled as I smiled back.

"Hey, can I ask you something?"

"Of course! What is it?"

"Who, are you?"


((AN: Clifthanger!!!! Haha, anyways I do need help with new names for a new fanfic please help guys!!))

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