Chapter Fourteen ~ You Got All My Love

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((AN: HIYA, So today I'm updating whoop! I don't really... Like this chapter... But I hope you enjoy' vote, comment and tell me how it was!))


"Get, away from me!" I shouted to Adam, "WHY DID YOU DO THAT YOU RUIED EVERYTHING!" My eye twitched he crossed the line.. "I RUINED EVERYTHING?! SAYS, THE PERSON PUTTING THEIR ARM AROUND ME EVEN THOUGH ITS CLEAR THAT I DON'T LIKE YOU, YOU RUINED EVERYTHING NOT ME I DON'T WANNA BE WITH YOU!" I shouted, he paused as I just gave him a angry look....

"WELL?!" I shouted breaking the pause.

"I'm done with this." He said slamming the door leaving.

I threw a lamp at the door as he lefted leaving pieces of glass all over the floor, I fell to the ground as tears started falling from my eyes I have a show today and I'm a mess I can't do, it anymore.

My phone started to ring but I ignored it I got up from the floor and started picking up the glass hoping no one will see or no what just happened. I look in the mirror I face palmed my makeup was a mess, my hair was too I look down at my toes looking at my outfit one leg jean all up to my knee the other down, I was a mess! I opened the closet and got out my blue dress, I undressed my saggy clothes and put on the dress, I let my hair drown brushed it and I wan off, I made sure there was no glass anywhere before I lefted. I have a big show today and it's gonna be hard lets hope that jerk didn't tell anybody I threw a lamp at him.


I got backstage seeing all the new cars, I ran inside as fast as I could before anyone saw me.

Right when I got in I look around I see my manager he looked pissed!

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" He shouted, "ME?!"

"YES, YOU THROWING LAMPS AT PEOPLE!" I paused for a second he was giving me a very angry look.

"SAMMY!" He shouted once again.

"Sorry?" I said nervously.

"Sorry, ain't gonna cut it." He stormed out of the room, I should have said something... But I just couldn't. Everyone tells me what to do, and I just have to nod and do what they say.

"Sammy, you need to get ready." The lady said I nodded and followed her into the dresses room, they putted me on some makeup that's really all I needed.

I got up from the chair and lefted the room, I got the mic-phone from the lady and walked onto the stage there was a huge crowd full of people I smiled at everyone. I turn to my right I see Wesley there I smiled as he smiled back, I don't know how he got here though...

The track started playing my hand started shaking if I mess up it's everywhere. "It seemed to make a lot more sense

Than what I see ahead of us, ahead us I'm ready to make that turn Before we both crash and burn Cause that could be the death of us, the death of us, baby" All, the notes lyrics was about a boy... Not saying who it was, "Hey, what happened to the butterflies?" I turned to my right my manager was upset but Wesley was smiling you could see he's little dimples,

"Hey, Right when I think that we found it, Well, that's when we start turning around You're saying, 'Baby, don't worry,' But we're still going the wrong way, baby" I sang as a tear fell from my eye, I sniffed trying not to cry, I stopped but the track was still playing everyone took a pause, I ran away breaking the pause, the tears wouldn't stop I ran outside I see news casters everyone started rounding me, "SAMMY, WHO WAS THAT SONG ABOUT?!" They asked pushing, "A boy I knew." I replied with no emotion, "Well, who was the boy?"

I pushed them away I felted a strange grip on my arm as someone pushed me, I turn around it was a lady I never seen before, "Sammy can we have a quick interview?" "Sure." I said once again with no emotion, "So, who is Honeymoon Anv about?"

"A boy, I once knew he always told me 'Baby don't worry' but we was going the wrong way." After a while I lost that boy I want him back but I don't think he sees. I feel like my heart is stunk because I can't help him the way I want too, he dosnt want me anymore and I have to face that."

"Was this maybe about you're boyfriend on the X Factor?"

"Maybe, maybe not." I said walking away. "SAMMY WAIT!" They shouted but I ignored them.


I finally got home I opened the door and sat on the couch I had so many thoughts going though my head, I didn't know what to do anymore am I living my dream... Or not? I heard the door creak someone opened it, it was Wesley "What do you want?" I asked. "Nothing." He said giving me a chessie smile. "So, that boy..." "Shut up I don't wanna talk about it I-" I got cut off Wesley lips crashed into mines, my mind was blank he basically took all the worries away. I began to kiss back I felted sparks, I pushed him away. "What was that for?" I asked.

"You really need to fucking shut up sometimes!" I laughed, "I hate you." "Well, we all know that's a lie since you did write a song about me..."

"What?! I didn't!"

"Really? So you couldn't help me the way you wanted was about me?" I roll my eyes.

'Okay... Maybe." I said chucking,

"I knew it was!" Wesley said. I punched his arm "Shut up!" I got up from the couch and ran upstairs I couldn't go to the stadium anymore after I lefted all the other did as well, Maybe someday things can go back to normal....


((AN: So, that was this chapter not my favorite but the sad part is that there is only two more chapters lefted of the story. :( Also, I made a manip of Wesley and Sammy together it is on the side >


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