Chapter Six ~ It's Disgusting

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(AN:Sorry, i couldn't update sooner. I been really busy! I know it seems like I'm lying but, i'm not. And also, Thank you so much for 500 reads! I am so happy about that :) People have been sending me emails telling me to write more. And, it's awesome! Thank you guys so much! Anyways, I hope you like this chapter!.)

{Sorry if I have bad grammer i'm writing on a computer right now.}


{Sammy's POV}

Me, and Demi are rehearsing for live shows in a couple days.

"What, are you singing?" Demi, asked sitting down.

"I wrote my own song yesterday and I th-" I got cut off by Demi. "You're own song?!"

That got me really, scared. "That's perfect!" Oh, thank god she didn't kill me!

"Really?!' She smiled and nodded. 'Yes! It's a brand new slate and, a great come back!' She said smileing. That made me so, happy because hearing that from my role model is beyond! "Let, me hear it!' I noddeed as I hand her my writing book crossing my fingers. She was reading the book and nodding, I really hope that's good. 'I love it Sammy!' 'Oh, my god thank you so much Demi!' 

She smiled and handed me the book. 'Now, we gotta work.' I nodded and walked to the stage.


{Two Hour's Later}


It was a good day working nothing bad, happend which is great! I walked back to the house with my, ear phones on. Listening to music. My phone was keep ringing over and over again it was Wes,

calling me an hundred time's I picked up the phone and hit decline. 

I know. this is just another cali dude full of himself, wanting girls and money. I don't wanna hang out with a player. 'What's up Sammy!' I scaremed as I fell on the ground. 'Whoa, you okay?' I give him an angry look and pulled myself up. 'What, do you want-' I zoned out looking at Wes's face. 

I had so many butterflies and I didn't know why. 'We-Wes?' he smriked and grabbed my wrist. 'What, are you doing?' 'Come, on ill take you home you seem really tried.' I smiled as I felt more butterflies.

'So, how was work?' He asked. 'It was good. Now, let go of my hand!' He laughed and let go. 

'Sorry, I don't like people touching me.' I laughed nervously. Me, and Wes was walking and all I could feel was butterflies. I didn't like it at all, I think I might have feelings? No! I'm not falling for a player! 


{An Hour Later.}


I waked into the house and ran upstairs I couldn't handle this. I open the door to my room and I see,

Bea Diamond, Arin and Reed in my room playing... 'Spin, the bottle?!' 

They all laughed at me. 'Why, are you laughing?' I asked my face started to get red.

'Because, you are 17 year's old! And ylou have never played spin the bottle?" 

'I don't want to tha't's why now, get out of my room!' I shouted opening the door. They all looked down and walked out. 

'Finally sleep.' I said laying on the bed. 

I tired going to sleep but, all I could hear was everyone scareming, partying. and I was just by my self.


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