Chapter Thirteen ~ Better Left Unsaid

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((AN: Hello, my readers! How was your week? I'm so happy that I could get time to update but the sad part that school is really getting me nervous. But since school started I can update more whoop!))



I woke up with the sound of music playing down the stairs I groaned as the music is still playing. I get out of bed and rushed down the stairs seeing my family dancing around the kitchen. "WEREN'T ALL YOU PEOPLE IN NEW YORK?!" I said with a deep voice, "YES, BUT WE HEARD YOU WAS SIGNED SO WE CAME HERE!" Ally said, I looked at all of them with an angry look and rushed back upstairs. I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans a red tank top not very classy but.


I got dressed brushed my hair and I was off, to the studio I still see my family partying even though it is nine in the morning I was walking to the studio wasn't a far of a walk I see L.A all the people on bikes on the beach. "Sammy!!!!" A stranger shouted, "Hello?" "I'm gonna be you're recording you're albums and songs for you!" He said very happy "That's sick!" I smiled as he smiled back. I walked inside the studio as everyone waved at me I waved back, "Hello Sammy!" A man said to me I waved awkwardly, "Let me show you something..." I followed him as he showed me this boy, "This is Adam! He is going to be your fake boyfriend."

"Fake boyfriend?!" I shouted, "Yes! We need a story line for you so here's a fake boyfriend!"

He said smiling as he walked away, the boy put his hand over my shoulder I gave him a evil eye. "Hey, you are pretty cute." He said winking. "What a damn chessie pick up line." I pushed him and lefted.

I went in the studio and showed the man my songs he couldn't stop smiling reading the lyrics I was so happy I can record my first song.

After three hours I finally finished my new song! It's like Tomorrow I'm gonna wake up and see this is all a dream!


{One Day Later}


I had to wake up early to go on a talk show with my 'boyfriend' or should I say the asshole. I was wearing a short white dress with flowers on the top. I was very nervous for the interview of course it is live and whatever you say will never get erased.


"So, Sammy what is Tattooed Heart about?"

"It's basically about its all I need is him, to make me happy and we don't need to stay forever, but I will never forgot him because he will be in my heart forever like a tattoo." I said smiling. Adam put his arm on my shoulder yet again I couldn't do anything since its on live TV.

"So, who is the song about?"

"I can say... It's sure not about him" I said pointing at Adam.

"Of course not you two just started dating and you are the cutest!"

I gave a fake smile.

"And that's it all for today we will have plenty more tonight stay turned!" The lady said as we went.

I got up from the chair and also did Adam as he followed me to the parking lot, by that time I was done.

"Listen here... This isn't real stop putting your arm around my arm I don't like you and I do NOT love you either stop really!" I shouted, he smirked "DO YOU THINK THIS IS A JOKE?!" All he did was smile I pushed him "YOU BETTER STOP NOW BECAUSE I DON'T WANNA BE DATING ANOTHER JERK AGAIN!" I walked away in anger.

I was walking as I see yet again Wesley on the beach sitting down he looked so sad, I walked over to him and took a seat next to him.


"Hey." He said sadly.

"What's up?" I said smiling trying to cheer him up.

"Me and Rose broke up." I didn't know what to say after that...

"I- I'm sorry."

"I didn't wanna be with her..." Wesley said I looked at him strangely. "I didn't wanna stay home because I knew if I stayed home alone.., I would think about you. But every time I was with Rose, all I did was think about you. I don't wanna be with a fake I wanna be with you." I was in shocked, I was in pause till Wesley kissed me breaking the pause. I kissed him back as I hear cameras flashing I look over a bunch of people was taking pictures Wesley grabbed my hand and started running as I ran with him running from everybody. "Wesley..." I said nervously "It's gonna be fine don't worry." He said smiling I smiled back.


{Next Day}


I woke as I walked down the stairs to get the paper I grab the paper as I see...

""Emblem3's Wesley Stromberg kissing Sammy Roberts!""

I drop the paper.

"This day can't get any worse can it."



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