Chapter Five ~ End of The Road?

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(AN: I Hate, This Chapter The End.)


{Sammy's POV}

"Wh- what do you, mean going home?" "Im so, sorry Sammy you are not ready yet." Demi said with a stressed voice. "It's fine Demi, thank you any ways." I replied hanging up the phone. A tear fell down my eye I didn't know what to do or, how to say it to my mom I look up and I see my aunt, and all my sibling smiling at me. I Stretched a smile trying to hide the pain 

My, aunt comes next to me and gives me a hug. "What happend?" "Im- Im not going."  

"Im so, sorry honey." She said hugging me tighter. I started crying even more I couldn't stop I felt so much pain I felt like I failed and I failed the family. My sister Rosie came I looked up and I see her smiling she comes closer and gives me and hug the, other come and give me a hug too. "It's okay, Sammy." Rosie said hugging me. This is the first time I got a hug from any of my siblings it's so weird but good I guess.

"Thanks, guys but I think I'm good now.' I said pushing them away. I look at them they all have tears in their eyes so do I. "Thanks, guys.' I said wiping a tear away from my eye. 

"Everything gonna be alright." My aunt said patting my shoulder. "I know it is." I smiled and walked to get my phone I see a bunch of text messages from Wes. 'OMG, SAMMY WE GOT TO LIVE SHOWS OMG SAMMY!' I was happy for Drew, and Keaton but, not so much Wes. 

'Im happy for you guys.' I replied in a text. I put my phone in my pocket and went back in the kitchen. I walk in and I see three men and one man in a white shirt. My eyes popped I didn't know what to do. "Sammy, do you know these men?" My aunt asked nervously. "Simon?"  

"Yes, Sammy may I take a seat?" He asked. "Um, sure.' I replied. He sat down and patted a seat. "Come sit here love." "Um, okay.' I was very creeped out Simon, isn't nice like this. 

"Is, something wrong?" I asked taking a seat. "Yes there is so thing very bad."  

"What, happened?!" I asked worried. "Demi let you go.' "Huh?" I asked. "Demi didn't let you got though to live shows. I think that was a terrible mistake. So, me and Britney, and LA took a vote... We want you going to live shows." I jumped up with a big smile. "Oh my gosh no way!" I cheered. "Calm down tiger." I frowned and sat back down. "We need to leave now so, come on." I looked back and forth looking at my aunt and my siblings. I see my aunt smiling whispering. "Go." I smiled and got up. "Just let me pack my stuff.' I cheered walking in my room. I get my Batman bag and stuff in a bunch of clothes. I got a tooth brush a hair brush make up. My skate broad and ran back to Simon. "Im ready!"  

"Great, now let's go." I waved goodbye to my family and walked out the door.  

I close the door be hide me and I see a stretched limo. My eyes popped out it was beyond!  

"Shall we?" Simon said holding the door. "Is someone paying you?" I asked. He laughed and got in the car. I was looking around and screaming like a little girl. "Oh my gosh shiny things!" I shouted. It was such a beyond limo I never been in one before. I hear my phone ring I reach in my pocket and get it out I see, a text from Wes. 'DUDE YOU ARE BACK IN I HEARD OMG DUDE!'

'Dude! I know!'  

'Are you happy now?'  

'I'm happy. Just not happy to see you.'  

'Oh, love you too Sammy.'  


We got to the XFactor house. I get out of the car and watch Simon, leave out of the drive way. 

The house was huge! I see a pool right a front. "You, guys know I never been in a pool?" I tell Wes.  

"You haven't?" He said smirking.  

"No! No, No!" I shouted running.  

I ran and ran and ran in till I feel someone's hand on my hip. Someone spins me. I fell down and someone catches me I see brown eyes and a big smile. It was Wes, he smirked as I smile then my eyes popped out. "No! Don't you dare!" I shouted. He picked me up and took me to the water. "Stop! Wes please stop!" I shouted. He laughed and threw me in the water.  

I screamed like a little girl.

"I hate you Wes!" I screamed getting out of the water.  

"You, love me?" He teased. 

"How, about no."  

"Why you gotta be so hateful?"  



"Bye." I said walking away.  

"Oh, wait I forgot something.' I said.  

"And, what was that?"  

I smirked and turned around.  

"This.' I pushed him in the water.  

I was trying to hold the smile.  


"Yeah, really!"  

He got up from the pool.  

"It's okay.' He said smiling. 

"Poop head."  

He frowned as I walked away.  

"Hey, Sam." Drew said. 


"Why is you're face all red?" Drew asked. I feel my cheeks they are on fire! "Huh?"  

"Looks, like someone was blushing!" "Huh? No I wasn't!" I ran up the stairs.  

My cheeks was getting hotter I didn't know why and I didn't want to know why.


(Well, that's the end of this chapter. Sorry if it sucks.)

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