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Shits about to get dirty thanks to my dearest friends
Btw s.v my number one fan helped me write this chapter little naughty sausage

"You changed me Shannon into a better person"
"But Luke you have treated me so bad you are a murderer, we are so different you belong with other criminals"
"So now I'm just a criminal to you after everything we have shared and done together" Luke raises his voice
"No Luke I didn't mean it that way I love you but we are too different people, it will never work" I said
Then Luke grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him, I was scared at that moment I did not know what he was going to do. "Haven't you ever heard the term opposites attract, I mean we are opposites aren't we? I mean you just said it yourself " he says with a big smirk on his lips.
"I don't know about this Luke I think it's time to end it" I said with tears running down my cheeks, then it hit me the taste of salt on my lips, am I really breaking down in front of Luke? Is this how it is all going to end? I mean everything is going to be different now, he changed for me but he is still sick! He needs better help. I don't think I can give it to him, I mean there is a reason I got fired from my job and that was all because of Luke but then again I am in the wrong cause I got too close to him. I shouldn't have let him come into my house the night he killed the pizza man (A/N AYYYEE THROWBACK) I think this is it, I can't be with Luke anymore. He basically ruined my life, my job is gone, I lost my best friend Rosey and he lost most of his friends too. I guess we both ruined each others life but doesn't that mean we will need each other the most. Without each other we would be nothing l, he has only got me and I have only got him but maybe it's time for a change, maybe it's time for him to become a better person but he can't because I am in his life. All these thoughts are racing through my mind but I am quickly rushed back into reality when his eyes meet mine and his tone quickly becomes into a whisper.

"Shannon please don't cry, I didn't mean any of this" he says as he brushes my tears with the pad of his thumb. His touch brings goosebumps to my skin, this is the Luke i have grown to love.

"Luke...we have tried so many times" I say as more tears spill from my eyes, leaving an emotional wreck for Luke to pick up.

"please don't cry, I won't be able to sleep at night knowing that I have made you cry, I love you Shannon more than anyone I have loved before" Luke said in the most calm and sweet tone, I have never heard come from his mouth.

My mind is racing I don't know what to say but my body is telling me a different story it is craving Luke, it needs Luke it can only calm down with his touch. I love Luke. I need Luke.

"Luke, I want to give us another shot i think it can work" I grin, as I say this Luke leans in closer, his touch becomes softer and his eyes meet mine he begins to whisper softly.

"you are mine and nothing can ever change that" Luke says

Once Luke says this I catch him off guard by pressing my lips onto his, he pulls me onto his lap, not breaking the kiss while I tug on the bottom of his shirt and take it off.

"This is what we needed Shannon, we needed each other" he whispers, but I quickly shut him up with a more tender kiss.

"I love you Shannon" he begins to say as he kisses me on my neck.
"I love you too Luke" i reply giving him that beautiful smile that he always loves to see.

We slowly begin to undress each other slowly to give time to be grateful about what we have in front  of our eyes. This time isn't gonna be rough and soggy it's going to be intimate, slow and unforgettable.

As he lays me down on the bed he inserts two fingers inside me and begins to whisper dirty things into my ear.
I moan as he curls his fingers inside me, my back arches and my stomach tangles. As He took his two fingers out of me moaned in desperation.

"Don't worry I'm not finished" he says in a sexy husky tone as he began to get up from his seat and reaches over  to the bedside table and opened the draw.
"Strawberry flavoured, your favourite" he joked
Then he spread my legs open and positioned himself In front of me. He slipped on the Condom and entered me slowly, pleasure ran through my body. I couldn't help but moan his name straight away these past few days/weeks I have been sexually frustrated and I am sure Luke has.

"Yea baby girl you see? Only I can do that to you" Luke said breathing heavily into my hair.

The things he does that drives me crazy, he knows exactly what to do to me and that's what I love most about him.


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