Ayano the Sorceress

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"I know who can help!" Kitty said as she grabbed her purse and ran out the guild doors. I raced after her with Athena at my side. Kitty slowed down and smiled at Athena. Athena shook her head and mouthed her head "no!" Kitty laughed and went around the castle to the door that led to the dungeon. Athena opened the door and let us inside. The dungeon smelled like rotting mold or rotten eggs something weird. I looked and saw someone in a cell all the way at the end with Mari two doors down. She had purple hair and pinkish red eyes. She looked at me and her eyes Gleamed in a mischievous way. I took a step backward and almost tripped on a loose floor tile.

"We shouldn't do this! Think about the consequences! She is a soceress that was here before we got here! Don't do it!" Athena said and tried to get in front of Kitty. Kitty gasped and looked behind Athena. The girl was standing right behind her. I screamed and hid behind a wall. The sorceress laughed and said "I am sensing you need my help?" Athena turned around surprisingly calm and said "Yes we do actually and quick question how did you get out of your cell?"

"Im a sorceress not a human like you! I can teleport anywhere I want to go, in a matter of seconds. But that doesn't matter right now. Why do you need my help?" She said and traced her finger along the bars of a prison cell. Athena smiled nervously and said "Ayano we need you to contain Mari the girl that's in the prison cell 2 cells down from what used to be yours..." I looked and saw where the cell should've been there was nothing but burnt walls and charcoal.

Ayana smiled and said "Ok but it will cost you a price..." Kitty grabbeda something from her piece and flung it at Ayano. It flew to her feet and I saw it was a bag of money. "Is that good? 5,000 kohl for a spell of containment" Kitty said and reached in her bag to grab for more.

Ayana nodded and started walking towards me. I smiled at her and looked at her dress. Her dress was short with blue mesh at the bottom. Her dress was blue and pink and she had on thigh high purple boots. Her purple hair was tied in a bun with pink and purple flowers intertwined with the hair.She touched a piece of my hair and studied my face.

"I can see your future... My spell won't help it will only make it worse! I suppose you already had your vision of what will happen Minnie?" She said and I saw the fear in her eyes. I nodded and thought about how I had to kill Mari. What would her parents think?! There wouldn't be a funeral because she died in the game. "Is there anyway to avoid that from happening?" I asked and looked hopefully at Ayano. "Yes, you would have to free her from prison and let her fend for herself in the world of SAO. If she stays in the guild any longer than that will be your future. There will be no turning back and you will have to live with the guilt of doing what's right..." Ayano said and disappeared in a purple proof of smoke.

"What was that about? What future was the sorceress talking about? Is there something your not telling us Minnie?" Kitty asked speaking a mile a minute. I sighed and said "We need to get her out of the guild and transfer her to somewhere else. If she stays here she will attack us and her blood will be on my hands." Kitty and Athena turned and looked at Mari's Prison cell. And then I saw it little hair dolls with glass shards sticking out of their heads that looked like us and Lila. And I saw Mari sleeping in the corner holding a glass shard that looked like the one in my dream.

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