You're killed p.1

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It had been a complete accident. Jeff and BEN were fighting again but this time you were in the room. Just when things started to get heated BEN sent off a shock wave of electricity which hit you. You were dead before you hit the floor. Everyone in the room got so quite you would have heard a pin drop. Sally started crying with LJ comforting her as a look of shear horror and pain crossed Jeffs. BEN slowly stepped back, his eyes wide. Jeff collapsed next to your body, pulling you to his chest and sobbed loudly into your hair.

You had been sitting in your room when your older cousin (if you don't have one, just imagine please) walked in and asked you to help him unclog to bath drain. Walking into the bathroom with him you knelt over the tub and reached to pull the plug. The last thing you saw before you were screaming into the bath water was the reflection of your cousin slowly leaning over you.

BEN found you like that. You cousin hadn't even bothered to hide it. BEN sobbed loudly and crumbled to the ground, pulling your body out of the still full bath.

Eyeless Jack:
A man had snuck into your house late at night. You had just left the bed to get a glass of water when a pain shot through your body, coughing you to scream and drop the glass. Jack was up instantly and rushed down to find the man fleeing the scene. He tried all night to save you but in the end you died in his arms.

Tim had asked you to go out and buy cheesecake since you had just run out and while you were just about to leave the small bakery, a man came in and everything seemed fine until he pulled out a small gun and shot everyone in the shop instantly before shooting himself in the head.

Tim became worried when you hadn't returned so he decided to go see if you were just caught up at the bakery.
The breath caught in his throat when he saw the police cars lined up outside of the bakery the two of you always went to.
Thoughts along the lines of 'Maybe she went to a different one.'and 'Maybe she's just being questioned.' Were running through his head but soon they were all wandered when he saw them placing your lifeless body on a stretcher and then into a body bag. He turned and fled from the scene, tears trekking their way down his cheeks.

You were sleeping soundly when the sound of breaking glass startled you awake. You're eyes fluttered open to be met with glowing eyes. You tried to scream but nothing came out. A sudden pain erupted in your body and slowly everything faded to black.

Hoodie found you body early that morning. He had been out with Tim all night and came back to the house to find the entire bed soaked in your blood. He froze in the doorway, before starting to scream in pain.

Ticci Toby:
You had been at your job when a man broke in and was dressed like the stereotypical robber. You knew you had to keep the robber calm or he would start shooting and he was about to leave with the money when some jackass tripped him and tried to steal the money back. The man went on an outrage and started shooting up the place. Only five people were shot, four wounded and one dead on the scene.
Guess which one you were.

Toby had been at the mansion, the TV on the news channel. The pastas we're seeing if any of their latest kills had made it on when the robbery flashed on. Toby wasn't really paying attention to it until your name flashed across the screen as the one you died there. Toby froze and everyone got quite. LJ was the first to break the silence, "Toby, isn't that your girlfriends name?" Toby nodded his head numbly. He closed his eyes but could still feel everyone's eyes on him. He stood up but before he could even take a step, he was already on the ground, crying into his hands.

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